Wern Ancheta takes us through a practical crash course into using CouchDB - CRUD, configuration, cooperation with PHP, and more!
Wern Ancheta takes us through a practical crash course into using CouchDB - CRUD, configuration, cooperation with PHP, and more!
Miguel implements the Halite library in a sample email sending application, to get symmetrically encrypted emails going for full communication security!
Danny teaches you how to build Doctrine-style PHP annotations for your own custom projects!
Francesco introduces Laravel Doctrine, and builds a sample app with it - come learn about this powerful ORM + Framework mix!
Wern Ancheta goes through another set of common caching techniques in PHP: Varnish, Memcached and libraries like Doctrine Cache and Stash
Nicolas Scolari demonstrates a well known Traits example on Doctrine entities, showing you they're nothing to be afraid of.
Learn how to use Doctrine's Data Fixtures in Symfony2 to provide your app with sample data
Have a look at our 2013 survey to decide what the best frameworks for 2014 are!