Whether it’s being hailed as a game-changer or derided as hype, these days blockchain is everywhere. But it’s hard to get trustworthy, unbiased news and tutorials about the tech. If you’re trying to enter the blockchain dev world, there’s a high price of entry.
This newsletter will offer a curated collection of links – news, tutorials, tool and projects – that’ll highlight some of the more interesting and exciting developments in this emerging field. These will be sourced by me, Adam. You may know me from my weekly Back-end and Design newsletters, or from Versioning, my daily newsletter focused on the bleeding-edge of web dev and design.
I promise this will be both on-the-chain and off-the-chain! Sign up here!
Still unsure? Here’s the first edition!
Bright Spark
First up, links to two programming languages for writing smart contracts on Ethereum.
For the latter, here’s a collection of programming patterns and best-practices
A new idea: crypto composables, allowing one non-fungible token to own another. The (useful, for me) metaphor used in the article was buying a house – you’re actually buying the title for land, the house is just part of the transaction.
Advice for those using React Create App to build DApps – the React Service Worker may trip you up.
DAppy Gilmore
An intro to a 2-month study plan for learning blockchain, and the links for the various subjects mentioned.
An intro exactly what DApps are.
If you haven’t already, check out the Golem network, given it’s a very prominent example of a non-cryptocurrency application of the blockchain, here’s an intro to what that thing is.
An intro to EOS, the Epic Operating System, set to launch June 7.
A good podcast discussion of Popula, a blockchain-powered, censorship-proof(? maybe) publication.
Whole Latte Love
Fun stuff
This Seattle startup is combining coffee and the blockchain and virtual reality to transform the coffee industry. Is it possible, and just go with me here, that they are maybe throwing too many things into the mix here? Just me? OK.
Finally, CryptoWorldCup is a DApp on the Ethereum blockchain that allows you to securely, transparently bet on the Russia World Cup. If you’re curious, this thread on /r/ethdev has a nice little critique of the structure of the DApp – might be handy to all y’all Dapp-ists out there.
There’s the inaugural Blockchain Newsletter! I hope it was to your liking – please, please, please let me know if you have ideas or requests for improvements. On my end, it’s fun to explore this world that I usually just glimpse and slowly back away from.
Adam is SitePoint's head of newsletters, who mainly writes Versioning, a daily newsletter covering everything new and interesting in the world of web development. He has a beard and will talk to you about beer and Star Wars, if you let him.