Welcoming New Authors 2013/2014

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During my short tenure as the PHP editor at SitePoint, we’ve had quite a few new authors sign up. These authors are here to teach and to learn, to contribute to the quality SitePoint is known for and to spread the knowledge they’ve accumulated throughout their PHP adventures.

This post will briefly introduce them and list their SitePoint accomplishments thus far, in order of appearance.

Taylor Ren, China

Taylor Ren’s debut was a three-part series on building a web app in Symfony2 in which he dissected his personal book collection/review website and explained how it’s built into great detail, guiding readers through it step by step. He then moved on to some lesser known facets of PHP+X integration, where X was anything from Dart and Symfony+Dart to WMI. Lately, he’s been writing about MySQL features like indexes, stored procedures and cursors, with arbitrary precision and big numbers in PHP and Data Fixtures in Symfony thrown in for good measure.

Taylor is one of our most prolific authors, and we can’t wait to read more from him.

Jacek Barecki, Poland

Jacek talks about becoming a Zend Certified Engineer in one of his articles. On SitePoint, he taught people how to use Google Translate’s API in an app and how to use the same API to translate dynamic user submitted content. He also covered the difference between Imagick and GD, the PHP image libraries, and talked about proper code documentation – a very important issue for every serious developer.

Roland Clemenceau, France

With only a single PHP related article to his name so far, Roland came on board in November 2013 and debuted with a tutorial on automatically localizing the embedded instance of the TinyMCE text editor. Roland is currently preparing a super-series we’ll be publishing in the coming months, so stay tuned!

Bashkim Isai, UK

Bash is a creative technologist whose debut article was quite a detailed comparison of the three most popular message queue services.

Mehul Jain, India

Mehul is a junior developer from India who wrote a quick overview of graph databases. In March, he’s got a neat captcha article coming out – stay tuned for that one.

Miguel Ibarra Romero, Mexico

Miguel, a cryptography and information security fan, described and demoed the Guzzle HTTP Client in his first article. For his second round, he picked something closer to home and went with explaining the risks and challenges of password hashing in web apps, though that article is due for March – stay tuned!

Thien Tran Duy, Vietnam

Thien is a Phalcon enthusiast from Vietnam. He first got mentioned in my own Installing Phalcon on OpenShift article with which he helped, before moving on to publishing his own tutorial on sending confirmation emails in a web app with Phalcon and Swift Mailer.

Chirag Swadia, India

Chirag’s controversial debut in which he compares WordPress to a modern day framework caused quite a stir in the PHP community. Whether or not you agree with the notion, it takes some courage to write an article about a topic many people are so subjective and opinionated about.

Carl Vuorinen, Finland

Carl, a developer and team lead at W3 Group Finland, published a detailed look at Symfony’s Bundle Configuration and Service Container. These advanced topics are important for every serious Symfony developer, and we expect more like these from him soon.

Victor Berchet, France

Victor, one of Symfony’s top contributors, loves to live on the cutting edge of technology. A fellow HHVM and Dart fan, Victor covers the latest and greatest technologies, diving in head-first. His debut series HHVM and Hack covers Facebook’s new Hack language which aims to add some missing features to PHP. Read the articles to know more.

Peter Nijssen, Netherlands

Peter, a board game fan from the Netherlands, explained how we can pipe emails to a Laravel application, thus building our own ticketing system or the like. It’s far simpler than people would assume. He also covered using XDebug with Sublime Text, for all your proper debugging needs, if that’s the editor of your choice.

Peter has been incredibly active over the past few weeks since he joined up, so expect to see much more of his excellent content.

Call for action

If you’d like to increase your exposure in the PHP community and have decent English skills and knowledge to spare, join the ranks. We pay well for all types of articles. This type of post will be published every two months introducing new authors that joined up since the last time. To get in touch with these authors, visit their author profiles for social network links, means of contact, and more.

If you’d like to know more, please contact me at bruno.skvorc@sitepoint.com, @bitfalls or +BrunoSkvorc.

P.S. – if you haven’t already, vote in the IDE Survey. Not only can you support your favorite IDE/Editor, you can also win licenses for some of the most popular and powerful IDEs out there, as well as some Learnable books or memberships.

Bruno SkvorcBruno Skvorc
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Bruno is a blockchain developer and technical educator at the Web3 Foundation, the foundation that's building the next generation of the free people's internet. He runs two newsletters you should subscribe to if you're interested in Web3.0: Dot Leap covers ecosystem and tech development of Web3, and NFT Review covers the evolution of the non-fungible token (digital collectibles) ecosystem inside this emerging new web. His current passion project is RMRK.app, the most advanced NFT system in the world, which allows NFTs to own other NFTs, NFTs to react to emotion, NFTs to be governed democratically, and NFTs to be multiple things at once.

authorsnew authorsPHP
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