Agbonghama covers how to hook methods of an instantiated class (object) to actions and filters and the caveats of using namespaces in WordPress hook system.
Tag: filters
Simon Codrington digs a little deeper into WordPress hooks and how you can handle them both in a traditional sense and when dealing with classes or objects.
In Part 2, Agbonghama Collins covers ways of triggering events in WordPress and how to hook static and non-static class methods to actions and filters.
Christopher Pitt shows us how we can use RulerZ, the PHP rule engine, to smarten up playlist song selection by applying constraints and filters!
Taylor Ren shows you how easy it is to build a custom Symfony2 Twig filter, all while using PHPUnit to respect TDD practices.
This article will outline what you need to know about WordPress Administration Filters, including what's available via the posts administration screen.
Lukas White wraps up the SOLR series, configuring SOLR and Solarium from scratch and explaining how they work in-depth
This is the third article in a four-part series on using Solarium, in conjunction with Apache’s SOLR search implementation.
This is the second article in a four part series on using Solarium, in conjunction with Apache’s SOLR search implementation.
Lukas White begins a SOLR series, configuring SOLR and Solarium from scratch and explaining how they work in-depth