Learn about key problems related to asynchronous programming in JavaScript and how to make your life easier with promises and async/await.
Tag: callbacks
Learn what JavaScript callbacks are, how they work, their different types, how to create them, and how to employ them in your own code.
Learn how to avoid callback hell without ditching callbacks! By applying some SOLID principles, callbacks can still be a useful technique.
Higher-order functions can take other functions as arguments or return a function as a result. Learn how to use them and why they're useful.
Camillo Reyes and Michiel Mulders demonstrate some experiments with Node.js and the command line, using callbacks, I/O operations and a web server.
Christopher Pitt introduces event loops - non-blocking async calls in PHP code, akin to Javascript. Can event loops breathe new life into PHP's performance?
Completing his look at JavaScript's 'this' keyword, Ivaylo Gerchev examines how to use 'this' in callbacks and closures, as well as lexical binding in ES6.
Ivaylo Gerchev examines three of the most important and heavily-used concepts in modern JavaScript development — closures, callbacks and IIFEs