Tim Severien discusses a wide variety of tips and tricks to build your own JavaScript library, ranging from API design to testing and documentation.
Tim Severien discusses a wide variety of tips and tricks to build your own JavaScript library, ranging from API design to testing and documentation.
Christian Nwamba walks you through embedding AngularJS into a node-webkit (AKA NW.js) application using his Yeoman generator to scaffold the project.
Ahmad Ajmi shows how to build a page application that requires a multilingual support with more than one language using AngularJS.
Bruno Skvorc combines BowerPHP, Mini-Asset and Robo.li into a PHP front end asset building pipeline that aims to completely avoid having to deal with NodeJS
Bruno Skvorc uses Twig, Bootstrap and Diffbot's PHP client to build a search engine app for Diffbot-powered harvested data collections
Peter Nijssen explains how you can use Capifony to easily deploy your Symfony application - multiple releases, asset control, and everything else!
This article introduces the Bower package management system. This article covers package installation, removal, updating, and more.