Craig Buckler comes up with his list of the top JavaScript frameworks, libraries and tools, and explains when to use them.
Craig Buckler comes up with his list of the top JavaScript frameworks, libraries and tools, and explains when to use them.
Igor Lima re-uses the Backbone example of the article "Build a Web App with Backbone.js and Socket.io" to migrate the existing data storage to Firebase.
Igor Lima introduces a built-in feature of Backbone.js called Events and Socket.IO to implement an asynchronous messaging paradigm to avoid coupling.
Ashish Trivedi introduces Rendr, a popular isomorphic JavaScript library, with an eye to the design, the components and the flow of a typical application.
Nick Salloum continues his tour of Backbone, looking at events as a line of communication between views and models and how this leads to more organized code
Nick Salloum reacquaints you with Backbone.js, demonstrating the key concepts and paving the way to building a scalable application with a sane code base.
This article looks at some common features of JavaScript MV* frameworks. Various frameworks are compared and contrasted with respect to these features.
This article teaches readers how to integrate Backbone with EaselJS to implement a simple drag and drop enabled application.
This article provides a thorough examination of unit testing with Backbone.js.