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PHP - News & Opinion
Duolingo for PHP – How Much PHP Can Apps like Mimo Teach?
Bruno Skvorc
What Are the Workflows of Prominent PHP Community Members?
Shahroze Nawaz
What Are the New Features in Laravel 5.5?
Christopher Vundi
Why Is a String Called a String?
Bruno Skvorc
The Theory of Constraints in PHP
Bruno Skvorc
Poka Yoke – Saving Projects with Hyper-Defensive Programming
Bert Ramakers
There’s a Gender Extension for PHP
Bruno Skvorc
Jumping from PHP to Go: Blasphemy, Bravado or Common Sense?
Danny van Kooten
Can 9-to-5 Developers Be Good Developers?
Bruno Skvorc
How Privileged Are Programmers? Are You a John, Too?
Christopher Pitt
An Alternative Laravel Package Development Workflow
Younes Rafie
Covering Laracon: Are Online Conferences Introvert Heaven?
Bruno Skvorc
The State of PHP MVC Frameworks in 2017
Vlad Kobilansky
Sourcehunt September – Hacktoberfest Edition
Bruno Skvorc
The Past, Present and Future of the PHP-FIG
Larry Garfield
PHP-FIG, Quo Vadis?
Deji Akala
Functional Prog, Distributed DBs, JSON-Patch and More!
Bruno Skvorc
Defensive Programming in PHP
Jeff Smith
Showing 18 of 18