Get up to speed with Eleventy 2.0, a popular, highly configurable SSG that's packed with new features to make web development even easier.
Tag: static site generator
Static sites can have benefits, but they aren't right for every project! Learn seven reasons why an SSG might not be the best choice for your next project.
Is a CMS overkill for your next app? Could a static site generator improve performance, management and security? Learn about the benefits of using an SSG.
Static site generators are a key element of the modern Jamstack architecture. We explore the standout features of leading SSGs.
You want to offer static-site benefits to clients, but they want WordPress! Learn how to use Eleventy with WordPress to offer the best of both worlds.
Craig Buckler introduces Eleventy (11ty), a Node.js static site generator, showing how to build a simple site with pages and blog posts.
Learn how to migrate from WordPress to a static site generator. Totally static sites radically improve your site's speed, performance, and security.
Learn how to host static Jamstack sites for free with an automated pipeline for deployment. We look at the process for Netlify, GitHub Pages, and many more.
Understand the Jamstack, an alternative to LAMP and MEAN. Use static files with JavaScript to build secure, scalable, easy-to-maintain apps.
Wern Ancheta shows us how to install, use, customize, and deploy a static site blog generated with Sculpin - a PHP static site generator!
Bruno Mota looks at how you can create project documentation using Hexo, the static site generator built on Node.js, and deploy easily to GitHub Pages.
Craig's tutorial and example code illustrates how to build a static website using the JavaScript-powered Metalsmith generation tool.
Thomas describes a static site generator workflow, from the generator itself to bug tracking, hosting, version control, QA testing and product management.
Static site generators seem to be all the rage nowadays. Matthew Daly shows you how to build your own static site generator as a Grunt plugin.
This article provides an overview of 6 Node.js static site generators for JavaScript lovers.
WordPress has long been top of the list for bloggers, but it does have drawbacks. David Turnbull explains why static blog generator Jekyll might be better.
Shaumik looks at how you can host your Ghost blog for free on GitHub Pages, with little overhead, using Buster, a static site generator.