David Turnbull
David Turnbull is the author of the Meteor Tips blog, a regular source of tips, tricks, and tutorials for the Meteor JavaScript framework. He's currently hard at work on a screencast series for beginning developers to get started with Meteor.
David's articles
David Turnbull teaches you how to create a custom login and registration form with Meteor, a JavaScript framework to develop isomorphic applications.
David Turnbull pits Jekyll and Middleman, his two favorite static blogging tools, against each other and looks at where each tool excels.
Meteor.js is a promising JavaScript framework, that also comes prepackaged with Cordova support, ideal for mobile development. David Turnbull shows us more.
David Turnbull explains five ways to help you learn to code without going to college.
Static blog generators are attractive to bloggers looking for low-cost, simple way to publish. David Turnbull outlines some you may not have heard of.
Interested in getting started with Swift Development? We cover the complete basics with a traditional "Hello World" example.
WordPress has long been top of the list for bloggers, but it does have drawbacks. David Turnbull explains why static blog generator Jekyll might be better.
Sublime Text is more than just a great code editor - it's perfect for bloggers. David Turnbull has 6 ways to make your blogging process Sublime.