Learn to write functional JavaScript tests with Selenium WebDriver 3, Mocha and Node.js.
Learn to write functional JavaScript tests with Selenium WebDriver 3, Mocha and Node.js.
Chris explains what snapshot testing is on some ReactJS code, before applying it to PHP and giving you something to think about when you close this tab!
Vasily Strelyaev introduces TestCafe, a new, open-source Node.js-based end-to-end testing framework for web apps.
Viraj demonstrates Laravel Dusk - a browser testing tool designed for testing your apps in full - including UI and JavaScript!
Hugo Giraudel introduces JavaScript functional testing and demonstrates how it can ensure that an application works as expected from a user’s perspective.
Younes introduces the Web Driver API integration with PHPUnit by utilizing Facebook's Webdriver for PHP to simulate a browser and automate it
Younes Rafie demonstrates the use of Selenium for acceptance testing and browser automation in tandem with PHPUnit