Should you use Canvas or SVG? It depends! Let's walk through all the scenarios where Canvas and SVG are an option and work out which is the best choice.
Tag: html5 canvas
Canvas vs SVG: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job
Introduction to jCanvas: jQuery Meets HTML5 Canvas
Using lots of demos, Maria Antonietta Perna discusses many of the features of jCanvas, a jQuery plugin to make it easier to work with the HTML5 Canvas API.
Filtering Reality with JavaScript and Google Cardboard
Patrick Catanzariti explains how to use HTML5, JavaScript, Three.js, a smartphone and Google Cardboard to create a filtered AR viewfinder.
HTML5 Canvas Tutorial: An Introduction
An introduction to the canvas element, the canvas API, along with some reasons why it's a powerful technology. Plus some resources for further learning.
Using Text on the Canvas Element: An Introduction
A brief introduction to the HTML5 canvas element and how to use it to display and manipulate text.
HTML5 Canvas JavaScript Animation Example
Pretty cool HTML5 Canvas Example which uses JavaScript and the Canvas element to create an animation effect controlled by mouseover events, animate google logo.