Michael Wanyoike explains why you need to use SSL technology to secure your websites and apps from leaking sensitive data to eavesdroppers.
Tag: encryption
Scott explains how we can have a secure, encrypted, and hack-proof database, but still use normal SELECT and search queries on it. Interesting stuff!
Ardian Haxha introduces Keybase, a social media service for sending, receiving and sharing encrypted messages.
Miguel implements the Halite library in a sample email sending application, to get symmetrically encrypted emails going for full communication security!
Tanay Pant introduces ProtonMail, a free, web-based, encrypted email service based in Switzerland.
David Brumbaugh will show you how to encrypt arbitrarily large messages with asymmetric keys and phpseclib. Improve your security, today!
Miguel Ibarra Romero discusses the risks and challenges in modern web app security regarding password hashing