Eugene explains Forwarding Decorators: a crazy concept for approaching modularity in apps - wrapping them in other classes and recompiling everything.
Tag: design pattern
Younes presents Eloquent Observers - a method of subscribing to changed on models and having those models notify all subscribers of changes. Check it out!
We build a basic framework with a new dependency injection container called Disco, explaining all the confusing concepts along the way. Join us!
Andrew Cairns explains Commands and Command Buses, demonstrating their use with Tactician, a popular Command Bus package for PHP
Andrew Carter explains the Flyweight Design Pattern - a relatively unknown pattern in PHP land - using the familiar example of a FileFactory and enums.
Bruno reviews Brandon Savage's book "Practical Design Patterns in PHP" - a book of in depth explanations of over a dozen software design patterns
Amit Gupta simplifies and explains the Repository Design Pattern on a Laravel backed example