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PHP - Frameworks
Building OctoberCMS Form Field Widgets like a Pro
Younes Rafie
Appserver – Server Configuration, Dir Structure and Threads
Scott Molinari
OctoberCMS CRUD – Building a Team/Project Management Plugin
Younes Rafie
Can PHP Be Even Faster? Light-Speed with the Blink Framework
Younes Rafie
Liking, Watchlisting and Uploading through Vimeo’s API
Wern Ancheta
Building a Basic Video Search App with Vimeo’s API and Slim
Wern Ancheta
Basic User Management in Symfony2 with FOSUserBundle
Shameer C
Meet Elixir, the Laravel Way of Compiling Assets
Reza Lavarian
How Laravel Facades Work and How to Use Them Elsewhere
Reza Lavarian
How to Set Up a Cron Job in Your Laravel App
Reza Lavarian
Flexible and Easily Maintainable Laravel + Angular Material Apps
Jad Joubran
Removing the Pain of User Authorization with Sentinel
Younes Rafie
BDD in Laravel: Getting Started with Behat and PhpSpec
Bruno Skvorc
Rendering Data in Yii 2 with GridView and ListView
Arno Slatius
Nette Framework: First Impressions
Taylor Ren
Showing 79 of 79