The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing

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Did you know that SitePoint has an in-depth collection of resources to help you become more successful at email marketing? Here is a quick-access guide to the wealth of email marketing information on SitePoint. Whether you’re a seasoned email marketer looking for a new approach or just getting start with building a list, there is something here for everyone. Enjoy!

Getting Started with Email Marketing

Email Marketing: Is It Worth Your Time? – Many of us probably already have sign-up forms on our web sites, allowing us to collect addresses from interested parties, but then how often do we actually send out an e-mail blast? It may be time to take a serious look at the benefits of e-mail marketing and what types of messages to send.The Value of Email Marketing – Email marketing generates an average return of $51.45 for every dollar spent in 2006, according to the Direct Marketing Association. If that statistic alone doesn’t convince you of the value that email marketing can add to your business, nothing will!Who Sends HTML Email Anyway? – Take a look at your inbox and you’ll probably be surprised. Rather than sales and marketing shtick, most of the HTML you’ll find is actually being used to support basic business processes.Email Marketing Strategy: Shortcuts to Success – Many email marketing programs grow organically. An idea is born, an email is sent, it works, another email is sent, and so on. While there’s nothing wrong with this approach, you can often accomplish more in a shorter time frame by putting a strategic plan into place.How to Build an Email Marketing List – Your list is arguably the most important element of an email marketing campaign.  If you aren’t currently collecting addresses either through a sign-up form on your web site, or in a different manner, building a list should be one of your first steps.

Formatting and Sending Email

How to Code HTML Email Newsletters – HTML email newsletters have come a long way in the five years since this article was first published. But without a doubt, HTML email is still a very successful communications medium for both publishers and readers.The Principles of Beautiful HTML Email – HTML emails have often been the black sheep of the web design world, and have either been ignored or actively repelled. Not anymore! A Designer’s Guide to HTML Email – We hate to love it and we love to hate it, but HTML email is here to stay. Come along for a down ‘n’ dirty tour of our HTML newsletter redesign process, and learn how we tackled the monster head-on!HTML Email: What Mail Clients are People Using? – It’s completely impractical to test your work on hundreds of mail rigs, but the question is, where do you draw the line? Generic browser usage statistics are reasonably common, but mail clients stats?15 Gorgeous and Effective HTML Emails – A design gallery of top-notch HTML emails, from which you can draw inspiration.Email Marketing: 13 Services To Help You Make Contact – A list of email marketing services that you can use to execute your well-planned email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Tips

Five Ways to Create a Better Email Newsletter – Before you even get to the point where you’re editing your subject line and testing your links, you need to have something useful and relevant to send out. This is especially true when writing and distributing email newsletters.5 Crucial Email Marketing Tips – It can take time to develop a large list and get the response you want, but there are some email marketing tips you can apply immediately, whether you have a list of 50 or 5,000.Get It Read: 7 Tips for Writing Better Email Subject Lines – One of the most important parts of email marketing is writing effective subject lines. If you can’t get people to open your message in the first place, then all of the time you’re putting into creating a great message is wasted. The 7-Point Email Marketing Checklist – Despite how you craft your message, there are several items that combine to make what I consider a “must-have checklist” for every email marketing campaign.

tip: Need More HTML Email Help?

Aside from the articles listed here, you may also benefit from checking out SitePoint’s book, “Create Stunning HTML Email That Just Works!” by Mathew Patterson.

Alyssa GregoryAlyssa Gregory
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Alyssa Gregory is a digital and content marketer, small business consultant, and the founder of the Small Business Bonfire — a social, educational and collaborative community for entrepreneurs.

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