Quick-Tip: Show Modal Popup after Time Delay

James Hibbard
James Hibbard
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An untimely popup between racket and shuttle cock
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Key Takeaways

  • The article provides a guide on how to open a modal window on a web page after a short time delay using JavaScript, which can be useful for highlighting calls to action or displaying advertising. However, the author advises caution as such techniques can sometimes detract from the overall user experience.
  • The author uses the Colorbox plugin for the implementation, which relies on jQuery. The modal window is displayed using JavaScript’s setTimeout function, which calls a function or executes a code snippet after a specified delay in milliseconds.
  • The article addresses accessibility concerns associated with modal windows, such as ensuring keyboard users can interact with them, the markup is semantic, and they are easy to dismiss. It suggests shifting focus to the modal window when it opens and returning focus to the previous element once the modal closes.
  • The author recommends displaying the modal window only once every few hours or days for usability. This can be achieved by setting a cookie once the modal has been shown, which expires after a set time. The presence of the cookie can then be checked upon page load.

In the following quick tip, I’m going to show you how to open a modal window on a web page after a short time delay. This might be useful to highlight a particular call to action, such as signing up for a newsletter or for getting likes on Facebook. Some sites also use this technique to display advertising.

An untimely popup between racket and shuttle cock

But before continuing, take a second to ask yourself if this is something you really need to do. Whenever a site I’m browsing opens a modal without me having clicked on something, I almost always close it immediately and get annoyed that my attention was jerked away from whatever it was I was looking at. In my opinion such techniques can detract from the overall experience of a site and there are better ways to make visitors aware of your content.

A Basic Implementation

Still reading? Ok, I guess you’re set on doing this, so let’s get to it. For the impatient, there is a working demo at the end of the article.

For this quick tip I’ll use the Colorbox plugin to display the modal. Colorbox relies on jQuery, so you’ll have to add that to your page as well. Here’s a template.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=utf-8 />
    <title>Delayed modal demo</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/jackmoore/colorbox/master/example1/colorbox.css" />

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/jackmoore/colorbox/master/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script>
      <!-- Code here -->

Note that I’m using various CDNs to include the scripts here, but you could also install the dependencies using a package manager such as npm or bower.

Displaying the Modal

Normally, we would assign Colorbox to an HTML element and pass in any settings as key/value pairs inside an object:


However, we want to call colorbox directly (without assigning it to anything), so the syntax is slightly different:


Colorbox has a bunch of options (many related to displaying images) which allow you to customize the modal. In the following example I am specifying its dimensions, giving it a class name (which allows me to style it using CSS) and passing it a string of HTML to display. You can find a full list of options on the page linked to above.

  html:"<h2>Call For a Free Quote</h2>",
  className: "cta",
  width: 350,
  height: 150

Then all that we need to do is use JavaScript’s setTimeout function to call this code after the required period of time has elapsed. setTimeout() is a native JavaScript function, which calls a function or executes a code snippet after a specified delay in milliseconds. If you’d like to get up to speed with the ins and outs of setTimeout(), then you can read this SitePoint tutorial.

    html:"<h2>Call For a Free Quote</h2>",
    className: "cta",
    width: 350,
    height: 150
}, 10000);

The popup will now open after your visitor has been browsing the site for ten seconds.

Accessibility Concerns

There are a number of accessibility concerns surrounding modal windows, for example: can keyboard users interact with them? Is the markup semantic? Are they easy to dismiss? You can find a more thorough discussion of the subject here: Making Modal Windows Better For Everyone.

Although, Colorbox comes with a lot of these features out of the box, there are still a couple of things we can improve.

Shifting Focus

When the modal opens, Colorbox shifts the focus to the window itself. This is good, but if we have any interactive elements in the modal (e.g. an <input> element) we could consider setting the focus to this instead. This will mean one less mouse click for mouse users and less button presses for those people using a keyboard. We can do this using JavaScript’s focus method.

We’ll also need to make use of the onComplete event that Colorbox fires, to ensure that our content has been loaded.

  onComplete: function(){ $("#myInput").focus(); }

Remembering where the user was previously

After the user has dismissed out popup, it is only polite to return them to where they were previously on the page. To do this, we need to keep track of the most recent element the user has interacted with and reset the focus to this element once the modal closes.

var lastFocus;

  lastFocus = document.activeElement;

    onClosed: function(){ lastFocus.focus(); }

}, 2000);

Displaying the Popup Once Every X Hours

For the sake of usability, it’s not a good idea to have the modal open every single time the user visits your site. Instead consider showing it once every X hours, or once every X days.

One way to do this would be to set a cookie once the modal has been shown, which expires after an allotted time. You can then check for the cookie’s presence on page load and act accordingly.

To do this, we will need a set of functions for handling cookies. I recommend js-cookie for this task.

Include it in your page after the Colobox library:

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-cookie/2.1.3/js.cookie.min.js"></script>

By this point, it also makes sense to start moving the various pieces of functionality into their own functions.

var lastFocus;

function onPopupOpen(){

function onPopupClose(){
  Cookies.set('colorboxShown', 'yes', { expires: 1 });

function displayPopup(){
    html:"<h2>Call For a Free Quote</h2>",
    className: "cta",
    width: 350,
    height: 250,
    onComplete: onPopupOpen,
    onClosed: onPopupClose

  var popupShown = Cookies.get('colorboxShown');

    console.log("Cookie found. No action necessary");
  } else {
    lastFocus = document.activeElement;
}, 2000);


And here’s the whole thing working on CodePen. Run the embed and the popup will open three seconds later. It’ll only show once every 24 hours, as it sets a cookie as demonstrated above. Saying that, I’ve added a Clear Cookies button so that you can run the demo multiple times. You can rerun the embed by clicking on the Rerun button in the bottom right corner.

See the Pen gwWpQX by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.


In this quick tip I have demonstrated how to open a pop up once a user has been browsing your site for a specified time. I have also highlighted usability and accessibility concerns surrounding this approach.

If you have any remarks or questions, I’d love to hear them in the comments below. If you have any questions concerning the code, or are getting stuck implementing this on your own site, I would recommend that you post a question in the JavaScript category of SitePoint’s forums.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Showing Modal Popups After a Time Delay

How can I set a specific time delay for the modal popup?

You can set a specific time delay for the modal popup using JavaScript. The ‘setTimeout’ function in JavaScript allows you to delay the execution of a function or code. The first parameter is the function to be executed, and the second parameter is the delay in milliseconds. For example, if you want to show the modal popup after 5 seconds, you can set the delay to 5000 milliseconds.

}, 5000);

Can I use PHP to show a modal popup after a time delay?

PHP is a server-side language, which means it runs on the server before the page is sent to the user’s browser. Therefore, it cannot directly control the timing of a modal popup on the user’s browser. However, you can use PHP to generate JavaScript code that will create the time delay on the client side.

How can I use Bootstrap to create a modal popup?

Bootstrap provides a built-in component for creating modal popups. You can use the ‘.modal()’ function to show or hide a modal popup. To show a modal popup after a time delay, you can combine this with the ‘setTimeout’ function in JavaScript.

}, 5000);

Can I show a modal popup after a time delay without using JavaScript?

JavaScript is the most common way to show a modal popup after a time delay because it allows you to control the timing on the client side. However, you can also use CSS animations or transitions to create a delay effect. This is less common and may not be supported in all browsers.

How can I stop the modal popup from showing after the time delay?

You can stop the modal popup from showing after the time delay by clearing the timeout. You can do this using the ‘clearTimeout’ function in JavaScript, which cancels a timeout set with ‘setTimeout’. You need to pass the ID value returned by ‘setTimeout’ to ‘clearTimeout’.

var timeoutId = setTimeout(function(){
}, 5000);

// Later in your code...

Can I show a different modal popup after each time delay?

Yes, you can show a different modal popup after each time delay by setting a different timeout for each modal. You just need to call ‘setTimeout’ for each modal with a different delay and modal ID.

How can I test if the modal popup is working correctly after the time delay?

You can test if the modal popup is working correctly after the time delay by opening your webpage in a browser and waiting for the delay period. The modal popup should appear after the specified delay. If it doesn’t, you should check your JavaScript code for errors.

Can I use jQuery to show a modal popup after a time delay?

Yes, you can use jQuery to show a modal popup after a time delay. jQuery provides a simpler and more powerful way to work with JavaScript and HTML. You can use the ‘setTimeout’ function in JavaScript along with the ‘.modal()’ function in jQuery to show the modal popup.

}, 5000);

Can I show a modal popup after a time delay on a mobile device?

Yes, you can show a modal popup after a time delay on a mobile device. The JavaScript code for showing a modal popup after a time delay works the same way on mobile devices as it does on desktop browsers. However, you should ensure that your modal popup is designed to be responsive and works well on different screen sizes.

Can I show a modal popup after a time delay in all browsers?

The JavaScript code for showing a modal popup after a time delay should work in all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, it may not work in older browsers that do not fully support JavaScript. You should always test your code in different browsers to ensure compatibility.

Network admin, freelance web developer and editor at SitePoint.


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