Rendering Data in Yii 2 with GridView and ListView
Arno takes a look at some bundled Yii 2 components for rendering data in grids and lists, covering everything from configuration to pagination
Arno takes a look at some bundled Yii 2 components for rendering data in grids and lists, covering everything from configuration to pagination
Arno Slatius read Mark Safronov's book: Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP. Here's an interview with the author on Yii's pros and cons!
Arno Slatius explains Yii 2.0's ActiveRecord, listing the features, novelties, upgrades and usage examples.
Matthew Beaumont lists seven great reasons to consider the newly released Yii 2 for your next project's framework
Arno Slatius goes through the changes we can expect in the newest version of the Yii framework