Find out how to improve your on-site search with Algolia.
Find out how to improve your on-site search with Algolia.
Behrooz Kamali takes an in-depth look at elasticsearch — a scalable, high-performance search engine — demonstrating how to integrate it into a Node project.
Jonathan introduces Cocycles, a new code search engine that can read code and search open-source code snippets by functionality.
Wern Ancheta goes through a bare-bones introduction to Elasticsearch, the amazingly fast search engine you can populate with custom data and use with PHP.
Bruno Skvorc uses Twig, Bootstrap and Diffbot's PHP client to build a search engine app for Diffbot-powered harvested data collections
Bruno Skvorc introduces Diffbot's crawling and searching functionality as he crawls the entire SitePoint.com domain in one go, and then queries the data.