R is a programming language designed for data analysis and plotting. Learn the basic data types in R and the essentials of using RStudio.
Tag: r
Introduction to R and RStudio
How to Import Data and Export Results in R
Big data analysis is huge these days. Learn how to extract data from text files, CSV files and databases, and send that data to a web server.
Trends in Python: What’s Hot in the Hottest Language Today
Lucero del Alba explains why Python is so popular, discusses current Python trends, and covers the best Python packages and tools to get acquainted with.
Shiny and R: How to Add Themes and Customize Error Messages
Michael Grogan explains how to link the UI and server side in a Shiny app, customize Shiny themes, and implement error messages to guide end users.
Shiny, R and HTML: Merging Data Science and Web Development
Michael Grogan looks at the commands used to build an application in Shiny — both on the UI (user interface) side and the server side.