Mark Brown shows how you can use ES modules in the browser today, moving away from module loaders to bundle dependencies into a single ES5 file.
Tag: javascript modules
Using ES Modules in the Browser Today
Design and Build Your Own JavaScript Library: Tips & Tricks
Tim Severien discusses a wide variety of tips and tricks to build your own JavaScript library, ranging from API design to testing and documentation.
Modular JavaScript: A Beginners Guide to SystemJS & jspm
Ravi Kiran introduces you to jspm and SystemJS that let you load any module format (ES6, AMD, CommonJS and globals) directly from any registry.
Understanding JavaScript Modules: Bundling & Transpiling
Mark Brown looks at the state of modules in JavaScript and shows how, with the help of Browserify, Webpack & jspm, you can use them in your projects today.
Building a Library with RequireJS
Emre Guneyler describes how RequireJS, a dependency management library, can be used to build a library using AMD modules and an application to use the library.