Though browsers are arguably more reliable than they've ever been, we still can't forget about cross-browser testing tools. Here are 7 top options for you.
Tag: cross-browser
Craig introduces CSS options for setting up a responsive website, including media queries, Flexbox and Grid, and covers tools for testing cross-browser compatibility.
Microsoft's Michael Palermo reveals 10 of the most common pitfalls in web development, and gives quick tips on how to avoid them.
Learn the pitfalls and solutions of Cross Browser Web Fonts
Read The HTML5 Shim vs Internet Explorer Emulation Mode and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
One of the most celebrated elements of the new HTML5 specification is the ability to natively handle video playback. A simple tag is “all that is needed” to get instant video support on many modern browsers.