Are you an Angular dev looking to get started with React? If so, then join Mark Brown for a guided tour of the differences and similarities between the two.
Are you an Angular dev looking to get started with React? If so, then join Mark Brown for a guided tour of the differences and similarities between the two.
Jeremy Wilken takes a high-level look at Angular 1.5 components, from design principles, to application architecture with a lot more in between.
Francesco builds an AngularJS app to consume a previously built Laravel API application for making book wishlists. JSON web token authentication in action!
Jad builds a Laravel + Angular skeleton app that's designed to be highly team-scalable - meaning easily extensible and adaptable to new devs on the team!
Ravi Kiran takes us on a tour of AngularJS's new router and demonstrates how it solves many problems (e.g. parallel and nested views) that ngRoute couldn't.