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PHP - Miscellaneous
Guzzle – PHP HTTP Client
Miguel Ibarra Romero
PHP and WMI – Dig deep into Windows with PHP
Taylor Ren
Understanding Forms in Drupal
Abbas Suterwala
Fun with Array Interfaces
Jeune Asuncion
Translation and Text-to-Speech with Microsoft Translator
Rakhitha Nimesh
Google App Engine and PHP: Getting Started
Bruno Skvorc
Auto-translating User’s Content Using Google Translate API
Jacek Barecki
Mapping with Geocoder PHP and Leaflet.js
Fredric Mitchell
Using Google Translate API with PHP
Jacek Barecki
Selling Downloads with Stripe and Laravel
Lukas White
Safely Deprecating APIs
Mark Wilston
Using the PHP API
Daniel Gafitescu
Access Dropbox Using PHP
Vito Tardia
Multi-Factor Authentication with PHP and Twilio
Timothy Boronczyk
Integrating with Facebook Graph API
Hari K T
Showing 175 of 175