
Magic Methods and Predefined Constants in PHP

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Key Takeaways

  • PHP offers predefined constants and magic methods to enhance your code’s functionality. Predefined constants provide read-only information about your code and PHP, while magic methods are reserved names in your classes that enable special PHP functionality.
  • Predefined constants, written in all capital letters between double underscores, provide information about your code. Examples include __LINE__ (returns the line number in the source file), __FILE__ (represents the name of your file, including its full path), __DIR__ (represents only the path to the file), __CLASS__ (returns the name of the current class), __FUNCTION__ (returns the name of the current function), __METHOD__ (represents the name of the current method), and __NAMESPACE__ (returns the name of the current namespace).
  • Magic methods offer hooks into special PHP behavior. They include __construct() (invoked to create object instances of your class), __destruct() (called when the object is destroyed by PHP’s garbage collector), __get() (invoked if a property is undefined or inaccessible and called in a getter context), __set() (called for undefined properties in a setter context), __isset() (checks whether the property is set or not), __unset() (receives one argument which is the name of the property that the program wants to unset), and __toString() (helps represent the object as a string).
PHP provides a set of special predefined constants and magic methods to your programs. Unlike the constants you would set using define(), the value of the constants depend on where they are used in your code and are used to access read-only information about your code and PHP. The magic methods are reserved method names you can use in your classes to hook into special PHP functionality. If you haven’t heard about PHP’s magic methods and constants yet, then this article is for you! I’ll review some of the more useful ones and how you can use them in your code.

Predefined Constants

The predefined constants are used to access information about your code. The constants here are written in all capital letters between double underscores, like __LINE__ and __FILE__ for example. Here are some of the useful constants that are made available by PHP:
  • __LINE__ returns the line number in the source file the constant appears at, like this:
echo "line number: " . __LINE__; // line number: 2
echo "line number: " . __LINE__; // line number: 3
echo "line number: " . __LINE__; // line number: 4
  • __FILE__ represents the name of your file, including its full path, like this:
  • <?php
    echo "the name of this file is: " . __FILE__;
    // the directory and name of file is: C:wampwwwindex.php
  • __DIR__ represents only the path to the file:
  • <?php
    echo "the directory of this file is: " . __DIR__;
    // the directory of this file is: C:wampwww
  • __CLASS__ returns the name of the current class:
  • <?php
    class Sample
        public function __construct() {
            echo __CLASS__;
    $obj = new Sample(); // Sample
  • __FUNCTION__ returns the name of the current function:
  • <?php
    function mySampleFunc() {
        echo  "the name the function is: " . __FUNCTION__;
    mySampleFunc(); //the name of function is: mySampleFunc
  • __METHOD__ represents the name of the current method:
  • <?php
    class Sample
        public static function myMethod() {
            echo  "the name of method is: " . __METHOD__;	
    Sample::myMethod(); // the name of the method is: myMethod
  • __NAMESPACE__ returns the name of the current namespace:
  • <?php
    namespace MySampleNS;
    echo "the namespace is: " . __NAMESPACE__;
    // the name space is: MySampleNS

    Magic Methods

    Magic methods provide hooks into special PHP behavior. Unlike the constants earlier, their names are written in lower/camel-case letters with two leading underscores, like __construct() and __destruct(). __construct() is magic method which PHP invokes to create object instances of your class. It can accept any number of arguments.
    class MySample
        public function __construct($foo) {
            echo __CLASS__ . " constructor called with $foo.";
    $obj = new MySample(42);
    // MySample constructor called with 42
    As its name implies, the __destruct() method is called when the object is destroyed by PHP’s garbage collector. It accepts no arguments, and it is commonly used to perform any clean up operations that may be needed such as closing a database connection.
    class MySample
        public function __destruct() {
            echo__CLASS__ . " destructor called.";
    $obj = new MySample; // MySample destructor called
    Our next magic methods deal with property overloading, and provide a way for PHP to handle calls to properties and methods that have not been defined (or are not accessible to us). PHP invokes the __get() method if a property is undefined (or inaccessible) and called in a getter context. The method accepts one argument, the name of the property. It should return a value which is treated as the value of the property. The __set() method is called for undefined properties in a setter context. It accepts two arguments, the property name and a value.
    class MySample
        private $myArray = array();
        public function __set($prop, $value) {
            $this->myAarray[$prop] = $value;
        public function __get($prop) {
            return $this->myArray[$prop];
        public function __isset($prop) {
            return isset($this->myArray[$prop]);
        public function __unset($prop) {
        public function __toString() {
            return __CLASS__ . ":" . $this->name;
    $obj = new MySample();
    if (!isset($obj->name)) {
        $obj->name = "Alireza";
    echo $obj->name; // Alireza
    echo $obj; // MySample:Alireza
    In the above example code, the property name is not defined in the class. I attempt to assign the value “mysample” to it, and PHP invokes the magic method __set(). It receives “name” as the $prop argument and “Alireza” as $value, and I store the value in the private $myArray array. The __get() method works in a similar fashion; when I output $obj->name
    , the __get() method is called and “name” is passed in for the $prop argument. There are other magic methods which help us with retrieving and inspecting inaccessible member variables as well which appear in the sample code: __isset(), __unset(), and __toString(). Both __isset() and __unset() are triggered by the functions with the same name (sans the underscores) in PHP. __isset() checks whether the property is set or not, and accepts one argument which is the property we want to test. __unset()receives one argument which is the name of the property that the program wants to unset. In many cases, representing an object as string is useful, such as for output to a user or another process. Normally PHP presents them as ID in memory, which is not good for us. The __toString() method helps us represent the object as a string. The method is triggered in any situation where an object is used as a string, for example: echo "Hello $obj". It can also be called directly like any other normal public method, which is preferable to hacks such as appending an empty string to force coercion.


    OOP programming can produce more maintainable and testable code. It helps us create better and standard PHP code. Also, it makes it possible to take advantage of the magic methods and constants which PHP makes available. Image via Stepan Kapl / Shutterstock

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Magic Methods and Predefined Constants in PHP

    What are the different types of Magic Methods in PHP?

    Magic Methods in PHP are special functions that are automatically triggered when certain conditions are met. They always start with a double underscore (__). The different types of Magic Methods in PHP include __construct(), __destruct(), __call(), __callStatic(), __get(), __set(), __isset(), __unset(), __sleep(), __wakeup(), __toString(), __invoke(), __set_state(), __clone(), and __debugInfo(). Each of these methods is triggered by a specific event, such as when an object is created, when a property is accessed, or when a method is called.

    How do I use Predefined Constants in PHP?

    Predefined Constants in PHP are built-in constants that are always available. They include core constants, like PHP_VERSION and PHP_OS, and many others defined by various extensions. To use a predefined constant, simply write its name without a dollar sign ($) before it. For example, to get the current PHP version, you can use the PHP_VERSION constant like this: echo PHP_VERSION;

    What is the purpose of the __construct() Magic Method in PHP?

    The __construct() Magic Method in PHP is automatically called whenever a new object is created from a class. It is typically used to initialize the properties of the object or to perform any setup that the object needs before it is used.

    Can I define my own constants in PHP?

    Yes, you can define your own constants in PHP using the define() function or the const keyword. Once a constant is defined, it cannot be changed or undefined.

    What is the difference between Magic Methods and regular methods in PHP?

    The main difference between Magic Methods and regular methods in PHP is that Magic Methods are automatically triggered by certain events, while regular methods need to be explicitly called. Also, Magic Methods always start with a double underscore (__), while regular methods do not.

    How can I check if a constant is defined in PHP?

    You can check if a constant is defined in PHP using the defined() function. This function takes the name of the constant as a string and returns true if the constant is defined, and false otherwise.

    What is the purpose of the __destruct() Magic Method in PHP?

    The __destruct() Magic Method in PHP is automatically called when an object is destroyed or when the script ends. It is typically used to perform cleanup tasks, such as closing database connections or freeing up resources.

    Can I use Magic Methods with static methods in PHP?

    Yes, you can use Magic Methods with static methods in PHP. The __callStatic() Magic Method is automatically triggered when a static method is called that is not accessible or does not exist in a class.

    What are some common uses of Predefined Constants in PHP?

    Predefined Constants in PHP are commonly used to get information about the PHP environment or to control the behavior of certain functions. For example, the PHP_VERSION constant can be used to check the PHP version, and the PHP_OS constant can be used to check the operating system.

    Can I override Magic Methods in PHP?

    Yes, you can override Magic Methods in PHP. When you create a subclass, you can provide your own implementation of a Magic Method. However, if you want to call the parent class’s implementation, you can do so using the parent keyword.

    Alireza Rahmani KhaliliAlireza Rahmani Khalili
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    To whom it may concern, I'm Alireza. For a significant chunk of my waking hours I’m a PHP expert, Author, Speaker and independent consultant on the design of enterprise web applications with Master's degrees in Computer Science. I <3 Tech, But pass time away from computers as an aspiring amateur writer, fishing, traveling, hunting, soccer- I'm a massive Liverpool FC fan!

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