Get Started with Sinatra on Heroku

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This post will give you a brief explanation on getting started with Ruby and the Sinatra web framework deployed to Heroku. It’s important that you have basic Ruby knowledge, including an installed version of Ruby 1.9.2, Rubygems, and Bundler. Other prerequisites are as below:
  • Basic Git knowledge
  • Your app needs to run on Ruby (MRI) 1.9.2
  • Your app should use Bundler
  • Heroku account

Set Up Your Local Workstation

To get access to the Heroku command-line client, Git distributed version control, and Foreman, install the Heroku Toolbelt on your local workstation. Log in using your email ID and password by typing heroku command in the command shell.
$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Could not find an existing public key.
Would you like to generate one? [Yn]
Generating new SSH public key.
Uploading ssh public key /Users/adam/.ssh/
When it says ‘Could not find an existing public key’, type y to create a new ssh key. This key allows you to push code to Heroku. Using the heroku command, you can add public key in Heroku.

Getting Started

If you have an existing Sinatra app, feel free to use it. Otherwise, here’s a “Learning Ruby on Heroku” sourcefile you can use:


require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
  "Learning Ruby on Heroku"

Declaring Dependencies with a Gemfile

The existence of a Gemfile tells Heroku that this is a Ruby application.


source ""
gem 'sinatra', '1.1.0'
Run bundle install
to set up bundle on your local workstation.

Declaring Process Types with a Procfile

Foreman uses a text file named ‘Procfile’ in the root directory of your app to declare what processes need to run. Since all Sinatra apps are Rack-compliant, we can create a file in the root of the directory and tell Foreman to use it. Create a file
require 'my_app'
Run it to make sure the app starts:
You might want to refer our 4-part Sinatra Tutorial to learn more. Now, it can be added to the Procfile:
web: bundle exec rackup -p $PORT
A single process type, web has been declared, along with the command required to execute it. The name “web” has significance here, as it states that this process type would be connected to the HTTP routing stack of Heroku, and handle web traffic when implemented. Now, you’re all set to get started with your app locally using Foreman (installed within the Toolbelt):
$ foreman start
16:39:04 web.1 | started with pid 30728
18:49:43 web.1 | [2013-03-12 18:49:43] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
18:49:43 web.1 | [2013-03-12 18:49:43] INFO ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-linux]
18:49:43 web.1 | [2013-03-12 18:49:43] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=30728 port=5000
The app will show up on port 5000. Make sure you check whether it’s working properly with a web browser, then Ctrl-C to exit.

Put the App Into Git

We now have three main elements of our application: Process types in a Procfile, dependencies in a Gemfile, and the source in web.rb. Let’s store your app into Git:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "init"

Deploying the App to Heroku

Creating the application on Heroku:
$ heroku create
Creating blazing-galaxy-997... done, stack is cedar |
Git remote heroku added
Note: Your Heroku app name will be different from mine (“blazing-galaxy-997”).

Deploying the Code

To push our code to Heroku, we use the git push command:
$ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 660 bytes, done.
Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Ruby app detected
-----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.1
Checking for unresolved dependencies.
Unresolved dependencies detected.
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --deployment
Fetching source index for
Installing rack (1.2.2)
Installing tilt (1.3)
Installing sinatra (1.1.0)
Using bundler (1.1)
Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
-----> Discovering process types
Procfile declares types -> web
Default types for Ruby -> console, rake
-----> Compiled slug size is 6.3MB
-----> Launching... done, v4 deployed to Heroku
* [new branch] master -> master
Notice that Heroku tells us it found the web process in our Procfile. Things are working as they should.

Controlling Your Application

You now have deployed your code to Heroku. The next step is to execute a process type, by instructing Heroku to run the related command in a “dyno” – the fundamental worker process on Heroku. You can scale your application by adding more dynos for a process type. Here’s a example of ensuring that you’ve one dyno running the web process type:
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
To check the state of the app’s dynos, use the heroku ps command which shows your app’s running dynos.
$ heroku ps
=== web: `bundle exec ruby web.rb -p $PORT`
web.1: up for 9m
It shows that 1 dyno of the app is running. With command heroku open, you can visit your app.
$ heroku open
Opening blazing-galaxy-997... done

Scaling Up

Your first web dyno for a Heroku application is free. However, if you don’t scale beyond that free dyno, Heroku reserves the right to kill the dyno after a period of non-use. You can avoid this by adding a second dyno:
$ heroku ps:scale web=2
You can go for maximum 750 dyno-hours for free for each application. Make sure you don’t run out of free monthly allowance. To scale back to one dyno:
$ heroku ps:scale web=1

Checking Out the Log

Heroku facilitates the viewinng of log files with the command heroku logs:
$ heroku logs
2013-03-13T04:10:49+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `bundle exec ruby web.rb -p 25410`
2013-03-13T04:10:50+00:00 app[web.1]: [2013-03-13 04:10:50] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
2013-03-13T04:10:50+00:00 app[web.1]: [2013-03-13 04:10:50] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [x86_64-linux]
2013-03-13T04:10:50+00:00 app[web.1]: [2013-03-13 04:10:50] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=2 port=25410


You can run commands in a one-off dyno, such as scripts that just need to be executed once, with the heroku run
command. Using it, you can launch an interactive Ruby shell ( bundle exec irb ) linked to the local terminal for testing in the app’s environment:
$ heroku run console
Running `console` attached to terminal... up, ps.1
irb loads only Ruby standard library by default. From it you can require some of your app files. Or it can be done on the command line:
$ heroku run console -r ./web


Similar to the console, you can run rake in an one-off dyno:
$ heroku run rake db:migrate

How to Use a SQL Database

For our sample application, you don’t need to use SQL database, but most “real” apps will need some kind of persistence. To add a free, development PostgreSQL instance you your app:
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
You’ll need to add the Postgres gem to your app, by adding a line to your Gemfile as shown below:
gem 'pg'
and redeploying your application. To redeploy your app after you make a change:
git commit -am "Added pg gem"
git push heroku master
This article really only scratches the surface of deploying a Sinatra app to Heroku. Next steps might be:
  • Make the app save state to Postgres
  • Add some javascript/css
  • Explore the seemingly endless collection of Heroku add-ons to see what services you can leverage to improve your app.
Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Sinatra on Heroku

How do I deploy a Sinatra app on Heroku?

Deploying a Sinatra app on Heroku involves several steps. First, you need to create a new Sinatra application. Then, you need to create a new Heroku app and push your Sinatra app to it. You also need to set up a database for your app if it uses one. Finally, you need to run your app on Heroku. This process involves using the command line and Git, so you should be familiar with these tools.

What is the difference between Sinatra and other Ruby frameworks like Rails?

Sinatra is a lightweight and flexible Ruby web application framework. Unlike Rails, which is a full-featured framework, Sinatra is minimalistic and leaves a lot of decisions up to the developer. This makes it a great choice for small, simple web applications, but it can also be used for larger, more complex projects.

How do I troubleshoot common issues when deploying a Sinatra app on Heroku?

When deploying a Sinatra app on Heroku, you might encounter several common issues. These can include problems with dependencies, database configuration, and more. To troubleshoot these issues, you can use Heroku’s logs, which provide detailed information about your app’s activity. You can also use the heroku run command to run your app in a one-off dyno and see if any errors occur.

How do I manage my Sinatra app’s dependencies on Heroku?

Managing your Sinatra app’s dependencies on Heroku is done using a Gemfile and Bundler. You list all of your app’s dependencies in the Gemfile, and then use Bundler to install them. Heroku automatically runs bundle install when you deploy your app, installing all of the dependencies listed in your Gemfile.

How do I configure a database for my Sinatra app on Heroku?

Configuring a database for your Sinatra app on Heroku involves several steps. First, you need to add a database add-on to your Heroku app. Then, you need to set up your Sinatra app to use this database. This involves configuring your app’s database connection settings and creating any necessary tables.

How do I scale my Sinatra app on Heroku?

Scaling your Sinatra app on Heroku involves increasing the number of dynos that are running your app. You can do this using the Heroku Dashboard or the Heroku CLI. Keep in mind that scaling your app will increase your Heroku costs.

How do I monitor my Sinatra app’s performance on Heroku?

Monitoring your Sinatra app’s performance on Heroku can be done using Heroku’s metrics dashboard. This dashboard provides information about your app’s dyno usage, response times, throughput, and more. You can also set up alerts to be notified when your app’s performance deviates from normal.

How do I secure my Sinatra app on Heroku?

Securing your Sinatra app on Heroku involves several best practices. These include using HTTPS for all traffic, keeping your dependencies up to date, and following secure coding practices. Heroku also provides several security features, such as automated patching and network isolation.

How do I update my Sinatra app on Heroku?

Updating your Sinatra app on Heroku involves pushing your changes to Heroku using Git. Once you’ve made your changes and committed them, you can use the git push heroku master command to update your app. Heroku automatically deploys your app after you push your changes.

How do I rollback changes to my Sinatra app on Heroku?

Rolling back changes to your Sinatra app on Heroku can be done using Heroku’s release management features. You can view your app’s release history and rollback to a previous release using the Heroku Dashboard or the Heroku CLI. This can be useful if you encounter issues after deploying a new version of your app.

Jagadish ThakerJagadish Thaker
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Jagadish Thaker works with Softweb Solutions Inc an awarding winning Mobile App Development Company, I love to share technology related articles on mobile, HTML5, UI/UX on my blog

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