Sometimes you want to store data in the browser and not send it to a server. Learn 10 ways to do so, their pros, cons, limits, and use cases.
Tag: web storage
10 Client-side Storage Options and When to Use Them
Cloud Storage: Choosing Between Drobpox, Drive, S3 and Others
Lucero digs into cloud storage options, covering everything from small and very practical requirements for domestic users to the needs of businesses.
Quick Tip: Persist Checkbox Checked State after Page Reload
James Hibbard demonstrates how to persist checkbox checked state (useful for remembering users' preferences) and implement a check/uncheck all button.
Auto-filling Forms with jQuery and the Web Storage API
This article shows how jQuery and the Web Storage API can be used to auto populate form data based on historic data.
HTML5 Browser Storage: the Past, Present and Future
Read HTML5 Browser Storage: the Past, Present and Future and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.