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Forms. Your HTML web application would fail without them — they’re the basis of most user data transmissions between the browser and server. You’ve no doubt read many articles describing the form tags and data validation with HTML5 or JavaScript. However, today we’ll discuss how to check whether the user has changed form data.

Key Takeaways

  • Checking if an HTML form has been changed is crucial for enhancing user experience and improving application efficiency. It allows developers to trigger specific actions such as displaying a warning message when a user attempts to navigate away without saving changes.
  • JavaScript onchange event handler, while commonly used, has several limitations in detecting changes in form data. Instead, comparing the default value associated with each form element against the current value is a more reliable method to detect changes.
  • Different form elements have different default value properties. Textual input and textarea fields have a defaultValue property, checkboxes and radio buttons have a defaultChecked property, and select boxes require inspecting the defaultSelected property of the option elements.

Why Check for Form Updates?

There are many reasons why you might want to check whether a form has changed. For example, if a user has updated one or more fields but clicks away from the page, you could display an “updates were not saved” warning. You could even give them the option to save the data (via Ajax). Alternatively, if no updates are made, your application’s efficiency could be improved by not attempting to validate or re-save the data on the server.

The JavaScript OnChange Event — and Why It Can’t Be Used

You can attach a JavaScript onchange event handler to any HTML form element. While that appears to be a viable method — and I’ve seen used elsewhere — there are a number of problems with the approach:
  • If the user changes a value then changes it back, the application will still think an update has occurred.
  • If a form value is updated using JavaScript, the onchange event handler won’t be fired.
  • Adding onchange handlers to every element on a large forms incurs a browser processing overhead.
  • If elements are added to or removed from the form you will need to attach and detach event handlers accordingly.
  • The onchange event for checkboxes and radio buttons do not work as expected in a certain browser. (I suspect you can guess which one!)
  • There’s a far easier method…

Comparing Default Values

Fortunately, we don’t need to go through the rigmarole of complex event handling. Every form element has a default value associated with its object, i.e., the data the form control showed when the page loaded. This can be checked against the current value to discover whether a change has been made. Unfortunately, the default value properties differ between form element types…

Textual <input> and <textarea> Fields

Let’s start with the easy elements. All textarea and input
tags which are not “checkbox” or “radio” types have a defaultValue property. We can compare this string against the current value to determine whether a change has occurred, e.g.:

<!-- name input -->
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="Jonny Dough" />

var name = document.getElementById("name");
if (name.value != name.defaultValue) alert("#name has changed");
note: New HTML5 input types
If you’re using HTML4 or XHTML, your text input types will either be “text,” “hidden,” “password” or “file.” The new types introduced in HTML5 also have a defaultValue property and can be inspected in the same way. This includes email, tel, url, range, date, color, and search.

Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Checkboxes and radio buttons have a defaultChecked property. This will either be true or false and it can be compared against the element’s checked property, e.g.:

<!-- newsletter opt-in -->
<input type="checkbox" id="optin" name="optin" checked="checked" />

var optin = document.getElementById("optin");
if (optin.checked != optin.defaultChecked) alert("#optin has changed");
Note that checkboxes and radio buttons also have a defaultValue property, but it’s whatever was assigned to the value attribute — not the current state of the button. If you’re using a select box, it’ll most probably be one which allows the user to choose a single item from a drop-down list. Here’s where it gets a little complicated. The select box itself does not provide a default value property, but we can inspect its (array-like) collection of option elements. When the page is loaded, the option with a ‘selected’ attribute has its defaultSelected property set to true. We can retrieve the currently selected option’s index number from the select node’s selectedIndex property. Therefore, if that option has it’s defaultSelected set to false, the select box must have changed, e.g.:

<!-- job title select box -->
<select id="job" name="job">
	<option>web designer</option>
	<option selected="selected">web developer</option>
	<option>graphic artist</option>
	<option>IT professional</option>

var job = document.getElementById("job");
if (!job.options[job.selectedIndex].defaultSelected) alert("#job has changed");
This code will work for any single-choice select box where one option has a ‘selected’ attribute. Unfortunately, there are a number of catches:
  • If no options have a ‘selected’ attribute, the browser will default to the first — but it’s defaultSelected property will be false.
  • If two or more options have a ‘selected’ attribute (illogical, but possible), all will have the defaultSelected property set to true, but the browser can only default to the last one.
  • A multiple select box allows the user to highlight any number of options:

<!-- skills multi-select box -->
<select id="skills" name="skills" multiple="multiple">
	<option selected="selected">HTML</option>
	<option selected="selected">CSS</option>
	<option selected="selected">JavaScript</option>
Multiple-choice select boxes are not popular — probably because a series of checkboxes offers a more user-friendly interface. However, when they are used, more than one option can have its defaultSelected property set to true. The select node’s selectedIndex property is not valid so we must loop through each option in turn to discover whether its selected property matches the defaultSelected property. The following code will check for changes to any select box no matter how the options are defined:

	skills = document.getElementById("skills"),
	c = false, def = 0, o, ol, opt;

for (o = 0, ol = n.options.length; o < ol; o++) {
	opt = skills.options[o];
	c = c || (opt.selected != opt.defaultSelected);
	if (opt.defaultSelected) def = o;
if (c && !skills.multiple) c = (def != skills.selectedIndex);

if (c) alert("#skills has changed");

That’s how you check whether any form element has changed. But wouldn’t it be great if we had a generic, reusable JavaScript function which could detect changes to any form, worked in all browsers and didn’t require a chunky library? Keep an eye on SitePoint — it’ll be coming very soon!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Detecting HTML Form Changes

What is the purpose of detecting changes in an HTML form?

Detecting changes in an HTML form is crucial for various reasons. It allows developers to create more interactive and user-friendly web applications. By monitoring changes, developers can trigger specific actions or events, such as displaying a warning message when the user attempts to navigate away without saving changes. This feature enhances the user experience by preventing data loss and providing real-time feedback.

How can I use JavaScript to detect changes in an HTML form?

JavaScript provides several ways to detect changes in an HTML form. One common method is by using the ‘change’ event. This event is fired when the value of an input field changes and the field loses focus. You can add an event listener to the form that listens for the ‘change’ event and executes a function when the event is triggered.

Can I use jQuery to detect changes in an HTML form?

Yes, jQuery provides a simple and efficient way to detect changes in an HTML form. The ‘.change()’ method in jQuery can be used to attach a ‘change’ event to input fields. When the value of an input field changes, the ‘change’ event is triggered, and the function attached to the ‘.change()’ method is executed.

How can I detect if a specific field in my HTML form has changed?

To detect if a specific field in your HTML form has changed, you can add a ‘change’ event listener to that specific field. When the value of the field changes and the field loses focus, the ‘change’ event is triggered, and the function attached to the event listener is executed.

Can I detect changes in an HTML form without using JavaScript or jQuery?

While JavaScript and jQuery are the most common ways to detect changes in an HTML form, it is also possible to detect changes using server-side languages like PHP or ASP.NET. However, this approach requires a round trip to the server, which may not be as efficient or user-friendly as using JavaScript or jQuery.

How can I prevent a user from navigating away from a page if changes have been made to an HTML form?

You can prevent a user from navigating away from a page if changes have been made to an HTML form by using the ‘beforeunload’ event in JavaScript. This event is fired when the window, the document, and all resources are about to be unloaded. You can add an event listener to the window that listens for the ‘beforeunload’ event and displays a confirmation dialog when the event is triggered.

How can I detect changes in a checkbox or radio button in an HTML form?

To detect changes in a checkbox or radio button in an HTML form, you can add a ‘change’ event listener to the checkbox or radio button. When the checked state of the checkbox or radio button changes, the ‘change’ event is triggered, and the function attached to the event listener is executed.

Can I detect changes in a dropdown list in an HTML form?

Yes, you can detect changes in a dropdown list in an HTML form by adding a ‘change’ event listener to the dropdown list. When the selected option in the dropdown list changes, the ‘change’ event is triggered, and the function attached to the event listener is executed.

How can I detect changes in a text area in an HTML form?

To detect changes in a text area in an HTML form, you can add a ‘change’ event listener to the text area. When the value of the text area changes and the text area loses focus, the ‘change’ event is triggered, and the function attached to the event listener is executed.

Can I use the ‘input’ event to detect changes in an HTML form?

Yes, the ‘input’ event in JavaScript can be used to detect changes in an HTML form. Unlike the ‘change’ event, the ‘input’ event is fired immediately after the value of an element has changed, even before the element loses focus. This allows for real-time detection of changes.

Craig is a freelance UK web consultant who built his first page for IE2.0 in 1995. Since that time he's been advocating standards, accessibility, and best-practice HTML5 techniques. He's created enterprise specifications, websites and online applications for companies and organisations including the UK Parliament, the European Parliament, the Department of Energy & Climate Change, Microsoft, and more. He's written more than 1,000 articles for SitePoint and you can find him @craigbuckler.


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