Pankaj Parashar is a frontend designer and web developer from Mumbai, India. He is extremely passionate about the web, loves experimenting with new web technologies, and occasionally writes about them on his blog.
Pankaj's articles
Pankaj Parashar introduces Microsoft's X-Tag JavaScript library to enable Web Components, using the example of a Google Map custom element.
Polymer is now at version 1.0 but unfortunately, the breaking changes over version 0.5 may cause problems. Pankaj has a guide to get you started.
Pankaj Parashar builds on knowledge from his previous articles to show us how to build a credit card payment form using custom elements and Polymer.
Pankaj Parashar with a step-by-step tutorial demonstrating how to build a custom element using Polymer. His example builds a simple pull-quote element.
Pankaj Parashar introduces the new W3C specs for Web Components, and shows us how we can start using its features with the Polymer library created by Google.