Ignatius Teo
Ignatius Teo is a freelance PHP programmer and has been developing n-tier web applications since 1998. In his spare time he enjoys dabbling with Ruby, martial arts, and playing Urban Terror.
Ignatius's articles
Ingatius Teo briefly covers gamification and how it can be used to improve your web apps and their draw
A graph is a model of the relationships between key/value pairs. They have a number of applications, such as traffic routing and social network analysis.
Heaps are specialized tree-like structures which satisfy the heap property – the node value of any parent is always ordered with respect to its child nodes.
Learn what a tree data structure is, how nodes are inserted, and how to recursively walk the tree structure in depth-order.
Learn about two important data structures which have their conceptual origins in everyday usage: stack and queue.
Besides dependency management, with a little creativity Composer can also be used as a basic build automation tool for your PHP projects.
Read Understanding the Observer Pattern and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
Using the Command Pattern, which Ignatius Teo will introduce you to in this article, you can send the message to both groups of users in a single process.
In this article, Ignatius Teo will show you how the Factory Method pattern can be used to create different objects, without knowing beforehand what sort of objects it needs to create or how the object is created.