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Key Takeaways

  • Vue CLI is a command-line utility that helps in quickly setting up a new Vue app, providing a pre-configured starting point to build on, rather than starting everything from scratch.
  • The Vue CLI v3 is a complete system for rapid Vue.js development and prototyping, providing components such as the CLI service, CLI plugins, and a web UI for an easy-to-use interface.
  • Vue CLI v3 has a plugin architecture, meaning additional features can be added via plugins. Official plugins provided by the Vue team include TypeScript, PWA, Vuex, Vue Router, ESLint, and Unit testing.
  • The Vue CLI Service is a run-time dependency that abstracts webpack and provides default configurations. It provides multiple scripts for working with Vue projects, such as the serve, build, and inspect scripts.
  • Vue CLI v3 provides a modern web interface that allows developers to create and manage projects without using terminal commands. The interface includes various views for creating and managing projects, adding new Vue CLI plugins, managing packages, configuring tools, and running scripts.

When building a new Vue app, the best way to get up and running quickly is to use Vue CLI. This is a command-line utility that allows you to choose from a range of build tools, which it will then install and configure for you. It will also scaffold out your project, providing you with a pre-configured starting point that you can build on, rather than starting everything from scratch.

The most recent version of Vue CLI is version 3. It provides a new experience for Vue developers and helps them start developing Vue apps without dealing with the complex configuration of tools like webpack. At the same time, it can be configured and extended with plugins for advanced use cases.

Vue CLI v3 is a complete system for rapid Vue.js development and prototyping. It’s composed of different components, such as the CLI service, CLI plugins and recently a web UI that allows developers to perform tasks via an easy-to-use interface.

Throughout this article, I’ll introduce the latest version of Vue CLI and its new features. I’ll demonstrate how to install the latest version of Vue CLI and how to create, serve and build an example project.

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Vue CLI v3 Installation and Requirements

In this section, we’ll look at the requirements needed for Vue CLI v3 and how to install it.


Let’s start with the requirements. Vue CLI v3 requires Node.js 8.9+, but v8.11.0+ is recommended.

You can install the latest version of Node.js in various ways:

  • By downloading the binaries for your system from the official website.
  • By using the official package manager for your system.
  • Using a version manager. This is probably the easiest way, as it allows you to manage multiple versions of Node on the same machine. If you’d like to find out more about this approach, please see our quick tip Installing Multiple Versions of Node.js Using nvm.

Vue creator, Evan You, described version 3 of the CLI as a “completely different beast” from its predecessor. As such, it’s important to uninstall any previous version of the CLI (that is, 2.x.x) before preceding with this tutorial.

If the vue-cli package is installed globally on your system, you can remove it by running the following command:

npm uninstall vue-cli -g

Installing Vue CLI v3

You can now install Vue CLI v3 by simply running the following command from your terminal:

npm install -g @vue/cli

Note: if you find yourself needing to add sudo before your command in macOS or Debian-based systems, or to use an administrator CMD prompt in Windows in order to install packages globally, then you should fix your permissions. The npm site has a guide on how to do this, or just use a version manager and you avoid the problem completely.

After successfully installing the CLI, you’ll be able to access the vue executable in your terminal.

For example, you can list all the available commands by executing the vue command:


You can check the version you have installed by running:

vue --version
$ 3.2.1

Creating a Vue Project

After installing Vue CLI, let’s now look at how we can use it to quickly scaffold complete Vue projects with a modern front-end toolset.

Using Vue CLI, you can create or generate a new Vue app by running the following command in your terminal:

vue create example-vue-project

Tip: example-vue-project is the name of the project. You can obviously choose any valid name for your project.

The CLI will prompt you for the preset you want to use for your project. One option is to select the default preset which installs two plugins: Babel for transpiling modern JavaScript, and ESLint for ensuring code quality. Or you can manually select the features needed for your project from a set of official plugins. These include:

Whatever you choose, the CLI will download the appropriate libraries and configure the project to use them. And if you choose to manually select features, at the end of the prompts you’ll also have the option to save your selections as a preset so that you can reuse it in future projects.

Now let’s look at the other scripts for serving the project (using a webpack development server and hot module reloading) and building the project for production.

Navigate inside your project’s folder:

cd example-vue-project

Next, run the following command to serve your project locally:

npm run serve

The command will allow you to run a local development server from the http://localhost:8080 address. If you use your web browser to navigate to this address, you should see the following page:

Welcome to Your Vue.js App

The development server supports features like hot code reloading, which means you don’t need to stop and start your server every time you make any changes to your project’s source code. It will even preserve the state of your app!

And when you’ve finished developing your project, you can use the following command to build a production bundle:

npm run build

This will output everything to a dist folder within your project. You can read more about deployment here.

What is the Vue CLI Service?

The Vue CLI Service is a run-time dependency (@vue/cli-service) that abstracts webpack and provides default configurations. It can be upgraded, configured and extended with plugins.

It provides multiple scripts for working with Vue projects, such as the serve, build and inspect scripts.

We’ve seen the serve and build scripts in action already. The inspect script allows you to inspect the webpack config in a project with vue-cli-service. Try it out:

vue inspect

As you can see, that produces a lot of output. Later on we’ll see how to tweak the webpack config in a Vue CLI project.

The Project Anatomy

A Vue project generated with the CLI has a predefined structure that adheres to best practices. If you choose to install any extra plugins (such as the Vue router), the CLI will also create the files necessary to use and configure these libraries.

Let’s take a look at the important files and folders in a Vue project when using the default preset.

  • public. This folder contains public files like index.html and favicon.ico. Any static assets placed here will simply be copied and not go through webpack.
  • src. This folder contains the source files for your project. Most work will be done here.
  • src/assets. This folder contains the project’s assets such as logo.png.
  • src/components. This folder contains the Vue components.
  • src/App.vue. This is the main Vue component of the project.
  • src/main.js. This is the main project file which bootstraps the Vue application.
  • babel.config.js. This is a configuration file for Babel.
  • package.json. This file contains a list of the project’s dependencies, as well as the configuration options for ESLint, PostCSS and supported browsers.
  • node_modules. This folder contains the installed npm packages.

This is a screenshot of the project’s anatomy:

Project anatomy

Vue CLI Plugins

Vue CLI v3 is designed with a plugin architecture in mind. In this section, we’ll look at what plugins are and how to install them in your projects. We’ll also look at some popular plugins that can help add advanced features by automatically installing the required libraries and making various settings—all of which would otherwise have to be done manually.

What a Vue Plugin Is

CLI Plugins are just npm packages that provide additional features to your Vue project. The vue-cli-service binary automatically resolves and loads all plugins listed in the package.json file.

The base configuration for a Vue CLI 3 project is webpack and Babel. All the other features can be added via plugins.

There are official plugins provided by the Vue team and community plugins developed by the community. Official plugin names start with @vue/cli-plugin-, and community plugin names start with vue-cli-plugin-.

Official Vue CLI 3 plugins include:

  • Typescript
  • PWA
  • Vuex
  • Vue Router
  • ESLint
  • Unit testing etc.

How to Add a Vue Plugin

Plugins are either automatically installed when creating the project or explicitly installed later by the developer.

You can install many built-in plugins in a project when initializing your project, and install any other additional plugins in the project using the vue add my-plugin command at any point of your project.

You can also install plugins with presets, and group your favorite plugins as reusable presets that you can use later as the base for other projects.

Some Useful Vue Plugins

There are many Vue CLI plugins that you might find useful for your next projects. For example, the Vuetify UI library is available as a plugin, as is Storybook. You can also use the Electron Builder plugin to quickly scaffold out a Vue project based on Electron.

I’ve also written a couple of plugins which you can make use of:

If you’d like to find out more about plugins, check out this great article on Vue Mastery: 5 Vue CLI 3 plugins for your Vue project.

What About webpack?

webpack is abstracted away by the Vue CLI and the different APIs it provides to access and mutate the webpack configuration.

Most project configuration for Vue CLI is abstracted into plugins and is merged into the base configuration at runtime. But in some situations you might want to manually tweak the webpack configuration for your project. In that case, you can either:

  • Create a vue.config.js file in your project root and then make any configuration within a configureWebpack option:

      module.exports = {
        configureWebpack: {
          // custom config here
  • Mutate the webpack configuration using tools like webpack-chain

You can find out more about working with Vue CLI and webpack here.


Let’s now look at the Vue CLI UI, covering how to launch it and the different views used to create and manage projects a graphical user interface.

Vue CLI v3 provides a modern web interface that allows you to create and manage projects without using terminal commands. You can launch the UI as follows:

vue ui

The UI should be available from the http://localhost:8000 address.

Vue Project Manager

You create a new project from the Create tab. Browse for the location where you want to create your project, then click on the + Create a new project here button.

Create a new project here

You’ll be taken to a new interface where you need to enter different details about your project such as the name, the project’s location, the package manager and whether or not you want to initialize a Git repository.

Create a new project

Enter the details and click on the Next button. You’ll be taken to the Presets tab where you can specify the preset for your project.

You can choose:

  • Default preset for a default preset with Babel and ESLint plugins
  • Manual for manually selecting plugins
  • Remote preset for using a remote preset from a Git repository

Let’s continue with the default preset:

Select a preset

Tip: a preset is an association of plugins and configurations.

Next, you can click on the Create Project button to start generating your project. You’ll be taken to a new interface that shows you the progress of your project generation.

Next, you’ll be taken to the project dashboard—where your can put widgets, which you can add using the Customize button at the top right of the page, after which they’ll be automatically saved.

Project dashboard

On the left of the dashboard you can find different pages:

  • Plugins for adding new Vue CLI plugins
  • Dependencies for managing the packages
  • Configuration for configuring the tools
  • Tasks for running scripts

Switch to the Tasks page.

Project tasks

Next, click on the serve button and then on the Run task button to serve your project.

Run task

You can stop serving the project using the Stop task button. You can also open the application from this interface and see information about the project, such as the size of assets, modules and dependencies, speed statistics and so on.

App statistics


In this article we’ve seen an overview of the new Vue CLI version, which provides a whole host of developer-friendly features such interactive project scaffolding, a rich collection of official plugins integrating the best tools in the front-end ecosystem, and a full graphical user interface to create and manage Vue.js projects.

The CLI is a powerful tool in the hands of Vue developers, but in cases when you don’t need all of its features, it might be preferable to use Vue.js in your project without the CLI. You can see how to do this in our tutorial Getting up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Vue CLI

What is the difference between Vue CLI and Vue.js?

Vue CLI is a full system for rapid Vue.js development. It provides a standard build setup for a modern web project. On the other hand, Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces. Vue CLI is used to scaffold and serve Vue.js projects.

How do I install Vue CLI?

To install Vue CLI, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. Once you have these prerequisites, you can install Vue CLI globally on your computer using the following command in your terminal or command prompt: npm install -g @vue/cli. This command installs Vue CLI globally on your computer, allowing you to use it in any directory.

How do I create a new project using Vue CLI?

To create a new project using Vue CLI, navigate to the directory where you want to create your project in your terminal or command prompt. Then, use the following command: vue create my-project. Replace “my-project” with the name of your project. Vue CLI will then create a new directory with the specified name and set up a new Vue.js project inside it.

What is the Vue CLI Service?

The Vue CLI Service is a development dependency. It’s an npm package installed locally into every project created by Vue CLI. It provides the commands for project-level tasks such as serving, building, and inspecting your project. It’s built on top of webpack and webpack-dev-server.

How do I serve a project using Vue CLI Service?

To serve a project using Vue CLI Service, navigate to your project directory in your terminal or command prompt. Then, use the following command: npm run serve. This command starts a development server with hot-reload.

How do I build a project for production using Vue CLI Service?

To build a project for production, navigate to your project directory in your terminal or command prompt. Then, use the following command: npm run build. This command compiles and minifies your project for production.

How do I inspect the webpack config in Vue CLI Service?

To inspect the webpack config, use the following command in your terminal or command prompt: vue inspect. This command outputs the resolved webpack config to your terminal.

How do I update Vue CLI?

To update Vue CLI to a new major version, you need to update it globally by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt: npm update -g @vue/cli.

What are plugins in Vue CLI?

Plugins are an integral part of the Vue CLI ecosystem. They provide the various features that your project needs. When you create a project using Vue CLI, some plugins are installed by default. You can also add other plugins to your project later.

How do I add a plugin to my Vue CLI project?

To add a plugin to your Vue CLI project, navigate to your project directory in your terminal or command prompt. Then, use the following command: vue add plugin-name. Replace “plugin-name” with the name of the plugin you want to add.

Ahmed is a technical author and web developer living in Morocco with a Master's degree in software development. He authors technical content about JavaScript, Angular and Ionic. He is also a fan of entrepreneurship, poetry, and teaching. You can contact me on my personal website and read my other articles on Techiediaries.

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