Ruby Interview Questions: LRU Cache and Binary Trees

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Ruby Interview Questions: LRU Cache and Binary Trees

Key Takeaways

  • The article explains how to implement an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache in Ruby, a common interview question for software engineering positions. The LRU cache is typically implemented as a hash table and a doubly linked list, with the least recently used item always at the front of the list for easy removal when the cache is full.
  • The article also covers the concept of binary trees, another favorite topic in interviews. Binary trees are a simple concept where each node has two links, leading to the “children” of the node. The article provides Ruby code for printing a binary tree using in-order traversal.
  • Another popular interview question is how to determine if a binary tree is a binary search tree (BST). The article explains the recursive approach to solving this problem and provides Ruby code for this purpose.
  • Understanding how to implement an LRU cache and binary trees in Ruby can significantly help in preparing for software engineering interviews. The article encourages readers to practice these concepts and test their understanding with the provided Ruby code.

As we talked about last time around, most interview problems for software engineering positions across the industry concern algorithms and data structures. With a bit of practice, it is possible and reasonably enjoyable to tackle these problems in Ruby. We have covered some of the basics: linked lists and hash tables. This time, we’ll go a bit deeper. We’ll implement an LRU cache (and explain what that is) and also look into binary trees, all in Ruby.

LRU Cache

Say we want to build a cache of items and that this cache can only hold a fixed number of things. This begs the question: what happens when the cache is full and we want to insert an item? A common way to answer this question is with the Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy. Basically, it means that we remove (i.e. evict) the least recently used item in the cache to make room for the new item.

The question is this: how do we implement an efficient LRU cache? The cache has to be able to do a couple of things. First, we must be able to insert things into it with keys associated with them. Second, we should be able to get an item using its key.

This is an incredibly common interview question and one that is still asked in initial rounds. It requires the combination of a couple of concepts to get right. The LRU cache is most often implemented as a hash table and a doubly linked list (you can also use a splay tree, but that’s less common). Here’s how it works. The hash table’s keys consist of the keys for our cache and values are actually nodes within the doubly linked list. We always keep track of the head and tail of this list. When we want to get a value out this cache, we look for that key in the hash table and return the associated node from the doubly linked list. In addition, we move that node from wherever it is in the list to the very back of the list. This makes sure that the least recently used item is always at the very front of the list. So, when we want to insert a new item into our cache and the cache is full, we simply pop off an item from the front of the list.

To implement this in Ruby, we need a doubly linked list. Thankfully, this is pretty easy to implement:

class Node
  attr_accessor :value, :next_node, :prev_node 

  def initialize(value, prev_node, next_node)
    @value = value
    @prev_node = prev_node
    @next_node = next_node

We’re just keeping track of the next node and previous node. Now, onto implementing our cache. As mentioned, we need to keep track of a couple of things: the head of the list, the tail of the list and the number of items in the cache.

  class LRU
    attr_accessor :head, :tail, :num_items, :max_items
    def initialize(max_items)
      @max_items = max_items
      @table = {}
      @head = nil
      @tail = nil
      @num_items = 0

Now, let’s figure out how to implement the set(key, value) method.

class LRU
  def set(key, value)
    @num_items += 1
    if @num_items > @max_items
      @head = @head.next_node

    new_node = value, @tail, nil
    @head = new_node if tail == nil 
    @tail.next_node = new_node if @tail != nil
    @tail = new_node
    @table[key] = new_node 

The code is fairly straightforward if we step through it. First, we check if the cache is full. If so, we have to evict from the head of the doubly linked list in order to make room for the next node. Then, we create a new node with the value given and stick onto the end of the list. Finally, we add this new node (which is now the tail of our doubly linked list) into the table with the given key. The get operation involves some slightly more complicated code:

class LRU
  def get(key)
    res = @table[key]
    return res if res.next_node == nil

    if res.prev_node != nil
      res.prev_node.next_node = res.next_node
      @head = res.next_node
      @head.prev_node = nil

    @tail.next_node = res
    res.next_node = nil
    res.prev_node = @tail
    @tail = res

The goal of the get method is to return the node associated with the key and also to move that node to the very end of the list. If the associated node is already at the end of the list, then we return (this is why we check the next_node of res). If the node we have picked is at the very beginning of the list, then we have to move the head itself. If it is not at the beginning of the list, we simply “pick” it out of the middle of the list. Finally, move the node to the new tail node of the list. And that’s it! We can test out the cache implementation pretty easily:

lru =
lru.set('a', 1)
lru.set('b', 2)
lru.set('c', 3)
puts lru.head
puts lru.head
puts lru.head
puts lru.head
lru.set('d', 8)
lru.set('e', 9)
puts lru.head

A good way to make sure that you really understand what’s going on is to try to predict what this bit of code will print. If you understand the whole hash table and doubly linked list construction, you should have no trouble implementing an LRU cache or something similar come interview day.

Binary Trees

Another interview favorite is the humble binary tree. The concept is pretty simple. Instead of having one link sticking out of each node like we do in a singly linked list, we have two. These two lead to the “children” of the node. You should be able to guess what this looks like Ruby:

class TreeNode
  attr_accessor :left, :right, :value
  def initialize(value, left, right)
    @value = value
    @left, @right = left, right

Ok, cool. What if we want to print this thing? It turns out that there are a few ways to do this. There’s “pre-order”, “in-order”, and “post-order traversal”. Pre-order is when we look at the node first, then the left subtree and then the right subtree. In-order is the left subtree first, then the node and then the right subtree. Finally, post-order is the left subtree, right subtree and then the node. Let’s take a look at how to implement in-order traversal. Instead of building an iterator that represents such a traversal, we will just print out the node values. Here it is:

class TreeNode
  def print_inorder
    @left.print_inorder unless @left.nil?
    puts @value
    @right.print_inorder unless @right.nil?

The method literally follows from the definition. As long as the subtrees aren’t empty, we’ll traverse them and print the value of the “current” node in between. We can test this:

left_child =, nil, nil)
right_child =, nil, nil)
root =, left_child, right_child)

This should print one, two, and three on separate lines. OK, cool. How about we implement this as an enumerator that we can use each on? Check it out:

def inorder(&block)
  @left.inorder(&block) unless @left.nil?
  yield @value
  @right.inorder(&block) unlessif @right.nil?

This code is a bit special because it explicitly passes the block around with &block. We have to do this because we’re recursing within inorder. This means that each recursive step should be able to get a hold of the block. This thing is remarkably easy to use:

root.inorder do |value| 
  puts value

Implementing pre-order and post-order traversal just involves moving around the yield statement so we’ll focus on something else instead.

Another interview favorite is the binary search tree. This is a binary tree that has a special, incredibly useful property. For each node, the value associated with the node is greater than or equal to all the values in its left subtree and smaller than or equal to all the values in its right subtree. This raises a natural question (and one that’s often asked): how do we determine whether or not a particular binary tree is a binary search tree (BST)?

The key with nearly all binary tree problems is thinking recursively. Each node has a left subtree and a right subtree (although these may be empty) and the same holds for each node in the left and right subtrees. So, let’s think about this particular problem.

First, start with the base case. If we have a single node with both left and right subtrees empty (i.e. a leaf node), then we are guaranteed that the single node is a BST because it vacuously satisfies the BST property.

OK, so now, consider a node that has only a left subtree and we are guaranteed that the left subtree is a BST. Then, as long as the node we are considering has a value greater than or equal to the root of its left subtree, we have a BST.

From here, it is not hard to see that as long as the left and right subtrees of a particular node are BSTs and the node in consideration fits between the values of the left and right children, then the whole tree is a BST. Let’s translate this idea into code:

 def bst?
  return false if (@left != nil and @value < @left.value)
  return false if (@right != nil and @value > @right.value)
  left_bst = @left == nil ? true : @left.bst? 
  right_bst = @right == nil ? true : @right.bst?
  return (left_bst and right_bst)

Thankfully, once you have the recursive approach together in your head, it’s easy to convert into code. We’re testing whether or not the current node breaks the BST definition and then checking recursively if either of the subtrees do. We can test this (using the root defined earlier):

puts root.bst?
left_child.value = 3
puts root.bst?

Playing around with this a bit should give you a better idea of how the recursion works and the value of the definition of the BST.


So, here we are. We’ve studied the LRU cache and binary trees in Ruby through a couple of common interview questions. This should give you a good start for interview preparation with Ruby (or, any other language if you’re just trying to learn how to solve interview-like problems). In the next article, we’ll take a look at some harder problems that deal with concepts from different data structures and algorithms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ruby, LRU Cache, and Binary Trees

What is the significance of LRU Cache in Ruby?

LRU Cache, or Least Recently Used Cache, is a type of caching algorithm that discards the least recently used items first when the cache’s maximum size has been reached. In Ruby, LRU Cache is particularly useful in managing memory and improving the performance of applications. It helps to reduce the time taken to access data by storing recently used data items. This way, if the same data is needed again, it can be accessed directly from the cache, significantly reducing the access time.

How does LRU Cache work in Ruby?

In Ruby, LRU Cache works by keeping track of the usage order of the items it contains. It does this by removing the least recently used items first when the cache becomes full. This is typically implemented using a combination of a hash for quick lookups and a doubly-linked list for quick removal of the least recently used item.

How can I implement LRU Cache in Ruby?

Implementing LRU Cache in Ruby involves creating a class that includes methods for adding, getting, and removing items from the cache. The class should also include a method for maintaining the order of items based on their usage. This can be achieved using a hash for quick lookups and a doubly-linked list for quick removal of items.

What are Binary Trees in Ruby?

Binary Trees are a type of data structure in Ruby that consists of nodes, each of which has at most two children: left child and right child. Binary Trees are used for efficient searching and sorting of data. They are particularly useful in applications where data is constantly entering and leaving.

How can I implement Binary Trees in Ruby?

Implementing Binary Trees in Ruby involves creating a Node class that includes attributes for the data, left child, and right child. The Binary Tree class should include methods for inserting nodes, deleting nodes, and traversing the tree.

What are the benefits of using Binary Trees in Ruby?

Binary Trees offer several benefits in Ruby. They provide efficient methods for storing and searching data. They also offer efficient in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversal methods. Binary Trees are also very flexible, allowing for the easy insertion and deletion of nodes.

How can I use LRU Cache and Binary Trees together in Ruby?

LRU Cache and Binary Trees can be used together in Ruby to create efficient, high-performance applications. For example, you could use a Binary Tree to store data and an LRU Cache to cache frequently accessed nodes from the tree. This would allow for quick access to frequently used data, while also maintaining the benefits of a Binary Tree for storing and organizing data.

What are some common use cases for LRU Cache and Binary Trees in Ruby?

LRU Cache and Binary Trees are commonly used in Ruby for applications that require efficient data storage and retrieval. This includes database systems, web caching, operating systems, and more. They are also used in algorithms and data processing tasks that require efficient searching and sorting of data.

Are there any libraries or gems in Ruby for implementing LRU Cache and Binary Trees?

Yes, there are several libraries and gems available in Ruby for implementing LRU Cache and Binary Trees. For example, the ‘lrucache’ gem provides a simple and efficient implementation of LRU Cache. Similarly, the ‘binarytree’ gem provides a simple implementation of Binary Trees.

What are some best practices for using LRU Cache and Binary Trees in Ruby?

Some best practices for using LRU Cache and Binary Trees in Ruby include understanding the problem you’re trying to solve and choosing the right data structure for the job, keeping your cache size manageable to avoid memory issues, and regularly testing and optimizing your code to ensure it’s as efficient as possible.

Dhaivat PandyaDhaivat Pandya
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I'm a developer, math enthusiast and student.

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