Slow Down! 5 Important Questions to Ask Before Taking on Rush Projects

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RushUnderstandably, all clients think their projects are urgent. It’s the nature of business and society today – we want it done now and we want it done well. But before you commit to pulling an all-nighter to meet an unrealistic deadline, here are five questions to ask that will help you make sure you have a clear idea about what you’re getting into.

Why the rush?

Many times, this initial question will tell you all you need to know about what’s behind the emergency. Two of the possibilities may include:

There is something that’s not working as it should be and it is impacting the client’s own customers.

If this is the case, a rush certainly makes sense. And to take it one step further, if this is a problem with work that you initially provided for the client, then it is probably your responsibility to at least check it out. Depending on what caused the problem and the agreement you have with the client, troubleshooting an unexpected glitch may be in line with your initial contract.

If the work was completed by someone else, you may want to ask why the client is not going back to the person who did the work. Getting more information on the reasoning behind this will also help you determine the role you will likely play if you take on the rush project.

It is a new project the client is simply excited to see executed.

While this is common and actually a good sign, it doesn’t necessarily warrant a rush job. Especially in cases when it’s a new launch, it probably makes the most sense to slow down and take the project step-by-step. Be sure to impress upon the client the value that comes from taking the necessary time to properly plan, organize and execute a new project; they will likely appreciate your advice.

What is the scope?

Now that you know why there is a rush, take time to get the exact specifics of the work, what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed by. A good starting point is completing your project request form or any other tool you use when you start to work with a new client. It’s up to you to make sure you clearly understand each element of the project, so try to ask the most important questions to get the information you need.

Who is the client?

Whenever I am approached about a rush project, one of the biggest deciding factors is whether or not I have a relationship with the client. In most cases, I am willing to accept a slightly challenging timeline if the work involves a client I currently work with and enjoy working with. Or if the client is a referral from an existing and valued client or a respected colleague, they tend to have a little more weight attached to their request.

Can the client meet his own deadline?

I have seen many rush projects come to a screeching halt because the client isn’t able to meet their own timeline. Once you know the scope and before taking on the work, try to develop a list of action items and responsibilities for both you and the client. Then, make sure the client commits to fulfilling his responsibilities.

If it looks like they will have a major struggle getting you the information you need to do your part, it’s probably not a good rush project. If this happens, though, you may be able to rework the deadline with the client so it’s more realistic for them and then still complete the work for the client.

Can you realistically do the work on the requested timeline?

The last factor I consider is whether or not taking on the rush project will take time away from other work I am currently doing, make me miss deadlines, or cause me an inordinate amount of stress or lack of sleep. When analyzing a rush job, don’t overlook your own commitments and availability. Even if all of the other factors check out, make sure you have the time to take on the work without facing any other negative consequences.

Do you do rush work for clients? What factors go into your decision about taking on the work?

Image credit: Ralph Morris

Alyssa GregoryAlyssa Gregory
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Alyssa Gregory is a digital and content marketer, small business consultant, and the founder of the Small Business Bonfire — a social, educational and collaborative community for entrepreneurs.

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