The Basics of Node.js Streams

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Node.js is asynchronous and event driven in nature. As a result, it’s very good at handling I/O bound tasks. If you are working on an app that performs I/O operations, you can take advantage of the streams available in Node.js. So, let’s explore Streams in detail and understand how they can simplify I/O.

Key Takeaways

  • Node.js streams, which are asynchronous and event-driven, can simplify I/O operations by efficiently handling data in smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Streams can be categorized as Readable, Writable, or Duplex (both readable and writable). Readable streams read data from a source, while writable streams write data to a destination.
  • The ‘pipe()’ function is a useful tool in Node.js streams, allowing data to be read from a source and written to a destination without manually managing the data flow.
  • Additional methods like ‘Readable.pause()’, ‘Readable.resume()’, and ‘readable.unpipe()’ provide further functionality to control the data flow in streams, making them a powerful feature in Node.js.

What are Streams

Streams are unix pipes that let you easily read data from a source and pipe it to a destination. Simply put, a stream is nothing but an EventEmitter and implements some specials methods. Depending on the methods implemented, a stream becomes Readable, Writable, or Duplex (both readable and writable). Readable streams let you read data from a source while writable streams let you write data to a destination.

If you have already worked with Node.js, you may have come across streams. For example, in a Node.js based HTTP server, request is a readable stream and response is a writable stream. You might have used fs module which lets you work with both readable and writable file streams.

Now that you know the basics, lets understand different type of streams. In this article, we will discuss readable and writable streams. Duplex streams are beyond the scope of this article.

Readable Stream

A readable stream lets you read data from a source. The source can be anything. It can be a simple file on your file system, a buffer in memory or even another stream. As streams are EventEmitters, they emit several events at various points. We will use these events to work with the streams.

Reading From Streams

The best way to read data from a stream is to listen to data event and attach a callback. When a chunk of data is available, the readable stream emits a data event and your callback executes. Take a look at the following snippet:

var fs = require('fs');var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file.txt');var data = '';
readableStream.on('data', function(chunk) {data+=chunk;});
readableStream.on('end', function() {console.log(data);});

The function call fs.createReadStream() gives you a readable stream. Initially, the stream is in a static state. As soon as you listen to data event and attach a callback it starts flowing. After that, chunks of data are read and passed to your callback. The stream implementor decides how often data event is emitted. For example, an HTTP request may emit a data event once a few KB of data are read. When you are reading data from a file you may decide you emit data event once a line is read.

When there is no more data to read (end is reached), the stream emits an end event. In the above snippet, we listen to this event to get notified when the end is reached.

There is also another way to read from stream. You just need to call read() on the stream instance repeatedly until every chunk of data has been read.

var fs = require('fs');var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file.txt');var data = '';var chunk;
readableStream.on('readable', function() {while (( != null) {data += chunk;}});
readableStream.on('end', function() {console.log(data)});

The read() function reads some data from the internal buffer and returns it. When there is nothing to read, it returns null. So, in the while loop we check for null and terminate the loop. Note that the readable event is emitted when a chunk of data can be read from the stream.

Setting Encoding

By default the data you read from a stream is a Buffer object. If you are reading strings this may not be suitable for you. So, you can set encoding on the stream by calling Readable.setEncoding(), as shown below.

var fs = require('fs');var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file.txt');var data = '';
readableStream.on('data', function(chunk) {data+=chunk;});
readableStream.on('end', function() {console.log(data);});

In the above snippet we set the encoding to utf8. As a result, the data is interpreted as utf8 and passed to your callback as string.


Piping is a great mechanism in which you can read data from the source and write to destination without managing the flow yourself. Take a look at the following snippet:

var fs = require('fs');var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file1.txt');var writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('file2.txt');

The above snippet makes use of the pipe() function to write the content of file1 to file2. As pipe() manages the data flow for you, you should not worry about slow or fast data flow. This makes pipe() a neat tool to read and write data. You should also note that pipe() returns the destination stream. So, you can easily utilize this to chain multiple streams together. Let’s see how!


Assume that you have an archive and want to decompress it. There are a number of ways to achieve this. But the easiest and cleanest way is to use piping and chaining. Have a look at the following snippet:

var fs = require('fs');var zlib = require('zlib');

First, we create a simple readable stream from the file input.txt.gz. Next, we pipe this stream into another stream zlib.createGunzip() to un-gzip the content. Lastly, as streams can be chained, we add a writable stream in order to write the un-gzipped content to the file.

Additional Methods

We discussed some of the important concepts in readable streams. Here are some more stream methods you need to know:

  1. Readable.pause() – This method pauses the stream. If the stream is already flowing, it won’t emit data events anymore. The data will be kept in buffer. If you call this on a static (non-flowing) stream, the stream starts flowing, but data events won’t be emitted.
  2. Readable.resume() – Resumes a paused stream.
  3. readable.unpipe() – This removes destination streams from pipe destinations. If an argument is passed, it stops the readable stream from piping into the particular destination stream. Otherwise, all the destination streams are removed.

Writable Streams

Writable streams let you write data to a destination. Like readable streams, these are also EventEmitters and emit various events at various points. Let’s see various methods and events available in writable streams.

Writing to Streams

To write data to a writable stream you need to call write() on the stream instance. The following snippet demonstrates this technique.

var fs = require('fs');var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file1.txt');var writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('file2.txt');
readableStream.on('data', function(chunk) {writableStream.write(chunk);});

The above code is straightforward. It simply reads chunks of data from an input stream and writes to the destination using write(). This function returns a Boolean value indicating if the operation was successful. If true, then the write was successful and you can keep writing more data. If false is returned, it means something went wrong and you can’t write anything at the moment. The writable stream will let you know when you can start writing more data by emitting a drain event.

End of Data

When you don’t have more data to write you can simply call end() to notify the stream that you have finished writing. Assuming res is an HTTP response object, you often do the following to send the response to browser:

res.write('Some Data!!');res.end('Ended.');

When end() is called and every chunk of data has been flushed, a finish event is emitted by the stream. Just note that you can’t write to the stream after calling end(). For example, the following will result in an error.

res.write('Some Data!!');res.end();res.write('Trying to write again'); //Error!

Here are some important events related to writable streams:

  1. error – Emitted to indicate that an error has occurred while writing/piping.
  2. pipe – When a readable stream is piped into a writable stream, this event is emitted by the writable stream.
  3. unpipe – Emitted when you call unpipe on the readable stream and stop it from piping into the destination stream.


This was all about the basics of streams. Streams, pipes, and chaining are the core and most powerful features in Node.js. If used responsibly, streams can indeed help you write neat and performant code to perform I/O.

What are Node.js Streams?

What are Node.js streams?

Node.js streams are a feature of the Node.js standard library that allow you to work with data in a more efficient and scalable way, by processing it in smaller, more manageable chunks, as opposed to loading entire data sets into memory.

What are the main types of Node.js streams?

Node.js streams come in four main types: Readable, Writable, Duplex, and Transform. Readable streams are for reading data, Writable streams are for writing data, Duplex streams allow both reading and writing, and Transform streams modify the data as it passes through.

How do I create a Readable stream in Node.js?

To create a Readable stream, you can use the stream.Readable class provided by Node.js. You can extend this class and implement the _read method to provide data to be read.

What are the common use cases for Readable streams?

Readable streams are useful for reading large files, processing data from external sources like HTTP requests, and handling data in real-time, such as log file monitoring.

How do I create a Writable stream in Node.js?

To create a Writable stream, you can use the stream.Writable class provided by Node.js. You need to implement the _write method to handle data as it’s written to the stream.

What are some common uses of Writable streams?

Writable streams are used for saving data to files, sending data to external services, or processing and filtering data as it’s written.

What is a Duplex stream in Node.js?

A Duplex stream is a combination of a Readable and Writable stream, allowing both reading and writing. It’s useful when you need to transform data while also providing an interface for further data input.

What are Transform streams and when should I use them?

Transform streams are a subclass of Duplex streams that allow data to be modified as it passes through. They are often used for tasks like data compression, encryption, and parsing.

How can I pipe data between streams in Node.js?

You can pipe data between streams using the .pipe() method. For example, you can pipe data from a Readable stream to a Writable stream, allowing for efficient data transfer without manually managing the data flow.

Are there any best practices for working with Node.js streams?

Some best practices include using streams for handling large datasets efficiently, handling errors and backpressure correctly, and using the util.promisify function for working with streams in a more promise-friendly manner.

Sandeep PandaSandeep Panda
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Sandeep is the Co-Founder of Hashnode. He loves startups and web technologies.

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