Devdatta Kane is a software developer and designer based in Pune, India. He works with Radinik Technologies building traceability solutions for a variety of industries. He is also the lead developer of refers2, a CRM for small businesses. He works in Ruby on Rails, but likes to dabble with various new technologies as well. An aspiring photographer and passionate traveler, he loves traveling on his motorcycle, capturing experiences through camera.
Devdatta's articles
Devdatta Kane writes this interesting piece on creating barcodes with JRuby and the Barcodes4J library. This is cool stuff.
Devdatta Kane writes this straightforward tutorial on using jXLS and Rails to provide Excel reporting to your users.
Devdatta Kane defines JSON Web Tokens and shows how to use JWT authentication in Rails with Devise.
Devdatta Kane shows you how to easily and quickly create APIs with Napa. Napa does one thing: API and it does it well.
Devdatta Kane walks through how to deploy a Rails application to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is a step-by-step tutorial to show what's involved.
Devdatta Kane introduces intergration JasperReports and Rails, allowing Rails devs to create robust, good-looking reports easily.