Byron's articles
ES6 Generators and Iterators: a Developer’s Guide
Byron covers generators and iterators, two JavaScript features introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) that have changed the way developers write JavaScript.
An Introduction to TypeScript: Static Typing for the Web
Get started with this strongly-typed superset of JavaScript. Byron Houwens explains the benefits of types and interfaces in his introduction to TypeScript.
Converting Your Typographic Units with Sass
Byron shows us a neat Sass function to convert typographic units in CSS. Learn how to convert pixels into em and percentage units with the magic of Sass.
Sass Functions to Kick-Start Your Style Sheets
Byron shows us some of Sass functions built into the language and shows how you can use them to kick-start your style sheets.
Building the Earth with WebGL and JavaScript
Byron Houwens shows off some of the features of the WebGL spec by building a rotatable model Earth with three.js and some custom scripting.