10++ Best Web Developers Resources and Tools from 2011 (Part 2)

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As what we have promised from our last post, here is the second (and last) part of our selection of what we think the most useful and innovative tools and resources from 2011 (including frameworks, boilerplates, apps, JavaScript resources, CSS3 animations tools, etc.). Enjoy!

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1. CoderDeck

Combines Deck.js with the CodeMirror2 highlighting code editor to make it easy to demo and teach live HTML, CSS and JavaScript directly in the browser.



2. ApeJS

A tiny framework for developing Google App Engine websites using the JavaScript language. There are other JS frameworks out there that you could use with App Engine – RingoJS and AppEngineJS are extremely well made.


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3. money.js

Is a super-simple and tiny (just over 1kb!) JavaScript library for real-time currency conversion and exchange rate calculation, from any currency, to any currency.


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4. validate.js

Is a lightweight (just over 1kb gzipped) JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter that allows you to validate form fields from over a dozen rules. It has no dependencies, it’s customizable and also works in all major browsers (even IE6!).


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5. Recurly.js

Is an open-source JavaScript library for creating great looking credit card forms to securely create subscriptions, one-time transactions, and update billing information. The library is designed to create fully customizable order forms while minimizing your PCI compliance scope.



6. Bootstrap

Is a toolkit from Twitter built to rapidly kickstart the development of your web apps or sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and comes with the complete style guide documentation.


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7. Adapt.js

Is a lightweight JavaScript file that determines which CSS file to load before the browser renders a page. If the browser tilts or resizes, Adapt.js simply checks its width, and serves only the CSS that is needed, when it is needed.


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8. Adaptive Images

Intended to be used with responsive and fluid layout techniques, is a solution that will automatically create, cache, and deliver device-appropriate (it detects the resolution of the visitors screen) of your website’s content images. No need to change your mark-up, it manage its own image re-sizing, and will work on any CMS or even on flat HTML pages.

Adaptive Images

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9. deck.js

Is a tool for making modern HTML presentations. Slides are basic HTML. The deck.core module keeps track of slide states and deck states, leaving CSS to define what each state looks like and how to transition between them. Extensions use core events and methods to add goodies, giving presenters the freedom to add what they want and leave out what they don’t.



10. FitVids.JS

Is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for responsive width video embeds. It automates the Intrinsic Ratio Method by Thierry Koblentz to achieve fluid width videos in your responsive web design.



Sam DeeringSam Deering
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Sam Deering has 15+ years of programming and website development experience. He was a website consultant at Console, ABC News, Flight Centre, Sapient Nitro, and the QLD Government and runs a tech blog with over 1 million views per month. Currently, Sam is the Founder of Crypto News, Australia.

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