Video: Playing with jQuery and the CSS Class Selector

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The CSS Class selector is very useful when you need to manage or apply CSS styles to multiple elements. Additionally the CSS Selector has performance advantages and can be overloaded. This becomes more exciting when jQuery is used to add/remove or toggle classes. In this screencast, we’ll take a look at how jQuery makes it easy to add/remove or toggle classes based on user events such as mouse-clicks and mouse-overs. Follow along with these code samples on GitHub
This screencast is a sample of my course Introduction to jQuery, now available on Learnable, SitePoint’s learning platform. This course is designed to get you up and running with jQuery with practical and easy-to-use examples. If you liked this screencast, then head over to Learnable to join the course today!

Frequently Asked Questions about jQuery and CSS Class Selectors

What is a CSS class selector and how does it work?

A CSS class selector is a name assigned to a specific style in a CSS stylesheet. It is used to select and manipulate HTML elements that have the same class attribute. The class selector is defined with a period (.) followed by the class name. For example, .myClass {color: red;}. This will apply the style to all HTML elements with the class attribute “myClass”.

How can I use jQuery to select elements with a specific class?

jQuery provides a simple and efficient way to select elements with a specific class. You can use the class selector, which is denoted by a period (.) followed by the class name. For example, $(‘.myClass’) will select all elements with the class “myClass”. You can then apply various jQuery methods to these selected elements.

Can I select multiple classes using jQuery?

Yes, you can select multiple classes using jQuery. You simply need to separate each class with a comma. For example, $(‘.class1, .class2, .class3’) will select all elements with either “class1”, “class2”, or “class3”.

What is the difference between ID and class selectors in CSS?

The main difference between ID and class selectors in CSS is that an ID is unique and can only be applied to a single element, while a class can be applied to multiple elements. Also, an ID has a higher specificity than a class, meaning that styles defined for an ID will override those defined for a class if they conflict.

How can I add or remove a class using jQuery?

jQuery provides the addClass() and removeClass() methods to add or remove a class from selected elements. For example, $(‘.myClass’).addClass(‘newClass’) will add the class “newClass” to all elements with the class “myClass”. Similarly, $(‘.myClass’).removeClass(‘newClass’) will remove the class “newClass” from these elements.

Can I use jQuery to change the CSS of an element?

Yes, jQuery provides the css() method to get or set the style properties of selected elements. For example, $(‘.myClass’).css(‘color’, ‘red’) will change the text color of all elements with the class “myClass” to red.

How can I select elements with multiple classes in jQuery?

You can select elements with multiple classes in jQuery by chaining class selectors. For example, $(‘.class1.class2.class3’) will select all elements that have all three classes “class1”, “class2”, and “class3”.

Can I use jQuery to animate elements with a specific class?

Yes, jQuery provides several methods to animate elements, such as fadeIn(), fadeOut(), slideUp(), slideDown(), and animate(). You can apply these methods to elements with a specific class. For example, $(‘.myClass’).fadeOut() will fade out all elements with the class “myClass”.

How can I check if an element has a specific class using jQuery?

jQuery provides the hasClass() method to check if an element has a specific class. For example, $(‘.myClass’).hasClass(‘newClass’) will return true if any of the elements with the class “myClass” also have the class “newClass”.

Can I use jQuery to select elements based on their CSS properties?

Yes, jQuery provides the css() method to get the style properties of an element. You can use this method in combination with the filter() method to select elements based on their CSS properties. For example, $(‘div’).filter(function() { return $(this).css(‘display’) == ‘none’; }) will select all div elements that are not currently displayed.

Sachin BhatnagarSachin Bhatnagar
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Sachin began dabbling with computers at the age of 14 when his Dad bought him a Sinclair Spectrum home computer. An early exposure to coding and an equal amount of passion for visual effects led him to step into both these industries. For the past 15 years, Sachin has been actively involved in the Techno-Creative education industry as an instructor and a curriculum designer. Having trained over 1000 students across two leading education brands in India, Sachin has also been instrumental in designing world class curricula, supervising internationally acclaimed & award winning student short films, fueling innovation and promoting the use of technology at his workplace, crafting brand identities and providing software-as-a-service solutions to corporates. A loving Dad, a world cuisine connoisseur and a budding writer, Sachin believes in perseverance, attention to detail and logic as mantras to a successful professional life.

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