Eugene explains Forwarding Decorators: a crazy concept for approaching modularity in apps - wrapping them in other classes and recompiling everything.
Tag: decorator
Achieving Modular Architecture with Forwarding Decorators
Meet Igaro App — Potentially the Web’s Finest SPA Framework
Andrew Charnley offers a high-level overview of Igaro App, a web app framework (of his creation) which is "faster than Angular and more advanced than React"
StackPHP Explained
Ever heard of StackPHP? Confused by terms like HttpKernelInterface and/or Middleware? No worries - Danny breaks it down in a really newbie friendly way!
Extending HTML the Way
Expanding our Aurelia Reddit client, Aurelia core team member, Vildan Softic, demonstrates how to extend HTML by leveraging custom elements and attributes.
Book Review: Practical Design Patterns in PHP
Bruno reviews Brandon Savage's book "Practical Design Patterns in PHP" - a book of in depth explanations of over a dozen software design patterns