How to Comment in jQuery

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How to use comments in jQuery
, automate your comments using a plugin and effectively comment witout floading comments use them effectively.

Basic jQuery comments

jQuery comments are started with a double forward slash which tells the interpreter that the following text on the line is not to be processed as JavaScript. jQuery comments can be either inside a function or outside it makes no difference.
function myFunction ( myVar, myVar2 ) {
// Pay attention to spaces around
// the brackets and curly brackets
// some prefere it like this
function myFunction()

Multi-line jQuery comments

Multi-line jQuery comments are enclosed within a combination of a forward slash and an asterisk like so:
/* comment */

jQuery Commenting Guidelines

Here are a couple of pointers for commenting in jQuery:
  1. Long comments should use /* ... */.
  2. Single line comments should always be on their own line and be above the line they reference. Additionally there should be an extra endline above it. For example:
var some = "stuff";

   // We're going to loop here
   for ( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {}


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about jQuery Comments

What is the purpose of using comments in jQuery?

Comments in jQuery, like in any other programming language, are used to explain the code and make it more understandable. They are not executed by the browser, but they provide valuable information to developers who might be reading the code. This can be especially helpful in complex projects where the code might not be self-explanatory. Comments can also be used to temporarily disable certain parts of the code during debugging.

How do I add a single-line comment in jQuery?

Single-line comments in jQuery can be added using two forward slashes (//) at the beginning of the line. The browser will ignore everything after the slashes on that line. For example:
// This is a single-line comment in jQuery

How do I add a multi-line comment in jQuery?

Multi-line comments in jQuery start with /* and end with */. Everything between these symbols is considered a comment and will be ignored by the browser. For example:
/* This is a
multi-line comment
in jQuery */

Can I use comments inside a jQuery function?

Yes, you can use both single-line and multi-line comments inside a jQuery function. They can be used to explain what the function does or to clarify complex parts of the function.

How do I temporarily disable a part of my code using comments?

You can temporarily disable a part of your code by turning it into a comment. This can be useful when you're debugging your code and want to isolate certain parts of it. To do this, simply enclose the part of the code you want to disable with /* and */.

Can comments in jQuery affect the performance of my website?

No, comments in jQuery do not affect the performance of your website. They are completely ignored by the browser and do not have any impact on the execution of your code.

How do I use comments to create a jQuery plugin documentation?

When creating a jQuery plugin, it's a good practice to use comments to document how the plugin works. This can include information about the plugin's purpose, how to use it, what parameters it accepts, what it returns, and any dependencies it might have.

Can I use HTML tags in jQuery comments?

No, HTML tags are not allowed in jQuery comments. If you try to use them, they will be treated as part of the comment and will be ignored by the browser.

What is the difference between comments in jQuery and comments in JavaScript?

There is no difference between comments in jQuery and comments in JavaScript. jQuery is a library built on top of JavaScript, so it uses the same syntax for comments.

Can I use comments in jQuery to leave notes for myself or other developers?

Yes, one of the main uses of comments in jQuery is to leave notes for yourself or other developers. These notes can be about anything related to the code, such as explaining what a certain part of the code does, why a certain decision was made, or what needs to be done in the future.

Sam DeeringSam Deering
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Sam Deering has 15+ years of programming and website development experience. He was a website consultant at Console, ABC News, Flight Centre, Sapient Nitro, and the QLD Government and runs a tech blog with over 1 million views per month. Currently, Sam is the Founder of Crypto News, Australia.

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