Stephanie Eckles is the author of in-depth tutorials on, and the creator of,, and 11ty.Rocks. Steph has well over a decade of webdev experience that she enjoys sharing as an author, egghead and workshop instructor, podcast host, Twitch streamer, and conference speaker. She's an advocate for accessibility, scalable CSS, and the Jamstack. Offline, she's mom to two girls and a cowboy corgi and enjoys baking.
Stephanie's articles
In this quick tip, discover how container queries enable us to ship resilient components containing built-in layout and style variants.
Discover how both Flexbox and Grid provide ways to create fluidly responsive layout grids without media queries.
Container queries enable the styling of elements based on available space. They allow us to build resilient components that are adaptable.
The :has() pseudo-class has far greater range than just styling an element’s ancestor. It's a great time for you to become familiar with it!