Ini's articles

Learn about the most useful Python string methods for manipulating string objects, with explanations, code examples, and even a challenge.

Learn how to use Python to read data from and write data to CSV files, and how to convert CSV files to JSON format and vice versa.

Learn how to use date and time in Python, with real-life examples of working with date and time using the Python datetime and time modules.

Learn how to read, write and parse JSON in Python, with helpful examples, and explore popular modules in Python for working with JSON.

Exception handling is important when building real-world apps. Learn how to use the try and except statements to handle exceptions in Python.

Learn about file handling in Python using with pathlib: how to navigate local files and directories, and open, read, write and close files.

Learn how to use Python regex functions and methods in your Python programs as we cover the nuances in handling Python regex objects.

Learn how to recognize, write and use Python lambda functions — a handy option for one-liner functions, IIFEs, and functional programming.

Learn what Python decorators are, what their syntax looks like, how to identify them in a script or framework, and how to apply them.