Samier Saeed walks you through the best way to implement a singleton in JavaScript and examines how that has evolved with the rise of ES6.
Tag: singleton
JavaScript Design Patterns: The Singleton
Watch: Singleton Methods in Ruby
We are going to discuss Singleton methods, including callbacks to observe method changes and the differences between removing and undefining methods.
Watch: Mysteries of Eigenclasses in Ruby
Eigenclasses are probably one of the most mysterious and crucial parts of the Ruby object model. In this video I will reveal the mystery of eigenclasses.
Watch: Singleton Patterns in Swift
In this short video, we'll see how use Singleton Patterns, a powerful construct that lets you utilize classes without creating new instances each time.
MVC – a Problem or a Solution?
Design patterns help us write cleaner code that's easier to share, maintain and upgrade. But are they all used properly? One of the most abused ones is MVC.