How I Plan to Do More (Better) in September

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Building blocksIn honor of September being Self-Improvement Month, I am making a list of self-improvement goals I have for myself that I can use to benefit my business. So, here’s my celebration of Self-Improvement Month, business-style.

I will avoid making snap decisions in my business, and wait until I have all of the information I need before making a decision.

Very often, when I am tight on time, I tend to make quick, spur-of-the-moment decisions and not look back. Usually, this works well for me and suits the way I tend to plan, commit and execute. But occasionally, something will squeeze past me, and I will end up feeling like I totally missed the boat with the decision I made. This month, I am going to try spending a little more time analyzing some of the big decisions I encounter and make sure I am fully aware of all of the consequences of the decision before I commit.

I will read some of the business books I’ve had on my list and implement at least one improvement.

I have a nice collection of business books on my Amazon wish list that I keep adding to, but never seem to find the time to order and read. And I know I have no excuse because I am pretty much attached to my Kindle! So starting this month, I am going to take a break from my favorite fiction authors, and read at least one of these business books I have waiting in the queue, find at least one action item I can incorporate into my business and do it by the end of the month.

I will take time to celebrate each success, no matter how small, instead of immediately moving onto the next goal.

I’m big on goal setting, and frequently remind others that an accomplished goal isn’t fully completed until you’ve acknowledged the success. This is one area where I can certainly follow my own advice a bit better. So this month, I plan to take time to recognize each of my successes, and revel in the sense of accomplishment before setting my sights on the next big goal.

I will say thank you to my clients, team and support system.

I like to think of myself as appreciative and quick to offer recognition for a job well done, but gratitude is an area where we all can stand to improve. I am going to use September to plan appreciation gifts for my clients and team, and take time to thank my amazing support system for helping me every step of the way.

I will be more willing to break out of my comfort zone when I am faced with an amazing opportunity.

Sometimes, I let the challenging logistics of a new opportunity stifle my risk-taking nature. This month, I will face the challenges head-on and not let the minor details prevent me from pushing myself and taking advantage of a new experience.

It looks like I have a big month ahead, but we’ll see how I do. Now it’s your turn. Add your own self-improvement business goals to the list and we can measure our success at month’s end.

Image credit: Tory Byrne

Alyssa GregoryAlyssa Gregory
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Alyssa Gregory is a digital and content marketer, small business consultant, and the founder of the Small Business Bonfire — a social, educational and collaborative community for entrepreneurs.

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