RubySource: An Introduction to Haml

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Haml is an X H TML A bstraction M arkup L anguage that, according to : functions as a replacement for inline page templating systems such as PHP, ASP, and ERB It can be used in many Ruby frameworks, such as Rails and Sinatra, in Node.js ,  PHP and .NET . This article is going to introduce you to writing your HTML as Haml. As such it’s not going to contain much Ruby code.

RubySource: An Introduction to Haml

Ian OxleyIan Oxley
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Ian Oxley has been building stuff on the Web professionally since 2004. He lives and works in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, and often attends local user groups and meetups. He's been known to speak at them on occasion too. When he's not in front of a computer Ian can be found playing guitar, and taking photos. But not usually at the same time.

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