Generating Spreadsheets with PHP and PEAR

Harry Fuecks
Harry Fuecks
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In the last article Getting Started with PEAR, you got the PEAR Package Manager up and running. Now, it’s time to put PEAR to good use with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, a library for generating Excel spreadsheets.

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

  • Introducing PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
  • Finding your way around: introducing the API
  • Adding Cell Formatting: eye candy matters
  • Adding Excel Functions: C1 + D1 = 2!

Be aware that I’m assuming you have a rudimentary knowledge of Excel, but nothing too serious. You don’t even have to own a copy — all the examples here work equally well with OpenOffice Calc.

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer to create downloadable Excel spreadsheets directly from PHP, offering a practical solution for providing numerical data to users.
  • Leverage the library’s ability to handle Excel’s proprietary format without needing Excel installed, enabling compatibility across different operating systems and server environments.
  • Explore the API and its extensive documentation to fully utilize the library’s capabilities in adding data, formatting cells, and incorporating Excel functions into spreadsheets.
  • Take advantage of the formatting options available in PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer to enhance the visual appeal and readability of your spreadsheets, including cell merging and setting column widths.
  • Implement Excel functions within your spreadsheet to perform calculations, such as summing totals or multiplying values, enhancing the spreadsheet’s utility for end users.
  • Manage complex projects by considering the development of reusable classes or templates if working with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer extensively, to streamline your coding and maintain efficiency.
Introducing PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer

Let’s face it — although you and I may be preoccupied with XML markup, tabbed browsing, editors like Emacs and VI, and minimizing the use of system resources, the rest of the computer-using world is happily chugging away with the likes of Microsoft Office. And although they may be moderately impressed by the amazing things you can do with an HTML table, when it comes to dealing with numbers, Excel is pretty much a standard.

More to the point, Excel is widely used by those dealing with finance and money. In other words, the Accounts department that’s failed to pay your bill on time is probably using it. Make the accountants’ lives easier, and they might return the favour…

Wouldn’t it be great if you could provide your customers access to downloadable numerical data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet? The good news is that you can, with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer.

“Impossible!” you cry. “Excel uses some proprietary Microsoft file format. This can’t be done!”

Yes, it can. Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer generates the “real thing”, complete with Excel functions, formatting and all. No, we’re not talking generating comma separated files here, or using the COM extension (or any other extension, for that matter). This is written in pure PHP and will work just as well from a UNIX-based Web server as it does from a Windows-based server — and there’s no need to bug your hosting provider. In short, PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, with additional magic from PEAR::OLE, “understands” Microsofts Excel file formats.

Let’s take a moment to tip our hats to Xavier Noguer, who’s done an amazing job in bringing all this to PHP, with help from Mika Tuupola for Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer.

Now, without further ado, and armed with full knowledge of PEAR’s package manager, which you installed successfully last month (right?), let’s start by downloading the libraries. Open up your command prompt and type:

$ pear install OLE
$ pear install Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer

That’s it. We’re ready for action!

Important Note! I used PEAR::OLE version 0.5 and PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer version 0.7 for the examples in this article. Be warned that things may change with future releases.

Finding your Way Around

To kick things off, let’s generate a very simple spreadsheet.

// Include PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
require_once "Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php";

// Create an instance
$xls =& new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

// Send HTTP headers to tell the browser what's coming

// Add a worksheet to the file, returning an object to add data to
$sheet =& $xls->addWorksheet('Binary Count');

// Write some numbers
for ( $i=0;$i<11;$i++ ) {
 // Use PHP's decbin() function to convert integer to binary

// Finish the spreadsheet, dumping it to the browser

Filename: example_1.php

Point your browser to the script and, assuming it knows about Excel (or OpenOffice Calc), up pops a spreadsheet, containing the numbers 0 to 10 as binary.

Storing Files

The spreadsheet is dynamically rendered in this case — nothing is stored on the server. If you want to generate a file instead, you can cut out the processing required to generate a sheet that hasn’t changed simply by passing the constructor a legal path and filename, and avoiding sending the HTTP headers, like so:

// Has a spreadsheet been created?
if ( !file_exists('sheets/binary.xls') ) {

 // Include PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
 require_once "Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php";
 // Create an instance, passing the filename to create
 $xls =& new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer('sheets/binary.xls');
 // Add a worksheet to the file, returning an object to add data to
 $sheet =& $xls->addWorksheet('Binary Count');
 // Write some numbers
 for ( $i=0;$i<11;$i++ ) {
   // Use PHP's decbin() function to convert integer to binary
 // Finish the spreadsheet, dumping it to the browser

Your spreadsheet is ready for download here.

Filename: example_2.php

If you’re using a UNIX-based system, remember to modify the permissions of the directory in which you’re storing the spreadsheet, so PHP can write to it.

API Overview

OK, we’re done with the basics. To get the most out of PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, you need to know a little bit more about the API, though. The API documentation that is available on the PEAR Website is out of date right now (it’s grown a lot, it seems, since that version of the documentation was generated). Thankfully, the authors have, for the most part, added inline documentation to the code, so you can make your own API docs by downloading phpDocumentor and pointing it at a directory that contains all the
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer source code. If you need help getting started with phpDocumentor (and will excuse the sales pitch), it’s discussed in Volume 2: Applications of The PHP Anthology.

The main class that you’ll always begin work with, Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, represents the point of access to all other classes in the library. It provides two important factory methods (which are actually defined in the parent class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook:

  • addWorksheet() – returns an instance of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet. A large part of the work is done with instances of this class (as above), allowing you to write to the cells of a single sheet (an Excel spreadsheet is a Workbook containing one or more Worksheets).
  • addFormat() – returns an instance of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format, which is used to add the visual formatting of cells in a Worksheet.

The library contains three other classes of which you should be aware, although you may not find yourself having to work with them directly:

  • Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validator makes it possible to add cell validation rules. Right now, there’s basically no documentation for this class. It seems to be experimental code, so I’ll be avoiding it here. Basically, it appears to provide the ability to perform basic validation on data entered into an Excel cell by an end user. More complex rules, such as validating against a list of cells, can be implemented by extending the class. The Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook class provides the method addValidator() to create an instance of the validation while the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet allows validators to be assigned to cells with the setValidation() method.
  • Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Parser, which is a parser for Excel spreadsheet functions that allows you to check whether a function is valid Excel syntax. This may help you trap errors when adding functions to the spreadsheet within PHP.
  • Finally, Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter is used to generate the Binary File Format for storing Excel files. If you’re interested in Excel hacking, it may be interesting to study what it’s doing but, otherwise, the library hides you from this class completely, so you don’t need to worry about it.

Zero Index Confusion

One method of note, which we saw in the above example, is the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet::write() method, which you’ll be using a lot to add data to cells. It can be slightly confusing if you’re used to the way cells are addressed in Excel.

The first argument to write() is the row number. The first row number, at the top of the spreadsheet, is 0 (zero) in PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, not 1, as it is in Excel.

The second argument is the column number. Now, columns in Excel are identified with letters of the alphabet, not numbers, so you’ll just have to get used to translating between the two. The letter F is 6th in the alphabet, so the second argument is… 5 (of course!) — the leftmost column is 0 (zero) in PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, so you need to subtract one to get the column number.

The third argument to write() is the data to put into the cell; there’s an optional forth argument, used to apply visual formatting to the cell.

There are many more methods in the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet class, such as for freezing and thawing parts of the sheet, and formatting the sheet, as a whole, for printing. I’ll touch on some of these in later examples but you’ll have to explore the majority for yourself.

Adding Cell Formatting

So, how about making the spreadsheet look pretty? We can accomplish this with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer using the addFormat() function to fetch an object of type Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format. We apply the formatting to this object using the (large number of) methods it provides, then pass it the write() method of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet to assign the formatting to a particular cell we’ve added.

For the sake of a “real world” example, let’s say I want to give users of my online shop,, the ability to download a “receipt” for the items they just bought as a Workbook containing a single Worksheet.

I begin my worksheet with the usual stuff:

require_once "Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php";  
// Create workbook  
$xls =& new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();  
// Create worksheet  
$cart =& $xls->addWorksheet('phpPetstore');

Next (blessed with the knowledge that I’ll only be using four columns), I’ll add a title to the sheet, merging some cells in which to place it. Here, you get your first taste of how formatting is done:

// Some text to use as a title for the worksheet  
$titleText = 'phpPetstore: Receipt from ' . date('dS M Y');  
// Create a format object  
$titleFormat =& $xls->addFormat();  
// Set the font family - Helvetica works for OpenOffice calc too...  
// Set the text to bold  
// Set the text size  
// Set the text color  
// Set the bottom border width to "thick"  
// Set the color of the bottom border  
// Set the alignment to the special merge value  
// Add the title to the top left cell of the worksheet,  
// passing it the title string and the format object  
// Add three empty cells to merge with  
// The row height  
// Set the column width for the first 4 columns  

Notice first that I got the formatting object by calling addFormat() via the $xls object that represents the entire spreadsheet. I then apply some specific formatting to the object (method names like setBold() speak for themselves — see the API docs for a full list of formatting methods).

Once I’m done formatting, I call write() on the Worksheet object $cart to add to a cell, passing the formatting object as the forth argument.

One unusual thing I’ve done here is to merge four cells. By calling setAlign(‘merge’) on the formatting object (normally you’d use something like ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘center’), I’ve told Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer that it should merge all cells that have this formatting applied to them. This is why I created three empty cells and applied the formatting to them.

Using setRow() allows me to modify the height of the row, making it bigger than the default Excel row height. This method has further optional formatting arguments that allow you, for example, to apply a format object to an entire row. Likewise, for setColumn(), I can set the column width and optionally apply further formatting. The difference is that setRow() applies to a single row only, while setColumn() is applied to a range of columns.

So far, so good. Now, I need some data to add to the sheet. To avoid complicating the example (by involving a database), I’ll use an indexed array of associative arrays, which we can pretend is the result of an SQL select:

$items = array (  
 array( 'description'=>'Parrot'  ,'price'=>34.0,  'quantity'=>1),  
 array( 'description'=>'Snake'  ,'price'=>16.5,  'quantity'=>2),  
 array( 'description'=>'Mouse'  ,'price'=>1.25,  'quantity'=>10),  

The “columns in the database” are the keys of the second order arrays; ‘description’, ‘price’ and ‘quantity’, so the next thing we need to do is to add the column headings along with an additional ‘Total’ heading that I’ll use later on:

// Set up some formatting  
$colHeadingFormat =& $xls->addFormat();  
// An array with the data for the column headings  
$colNames = array('Item','Price($)','Quantity','Total');  
// Add all the column headings with a single call  
// leaving a blank row to look nicer  

You’ve already seen the formatting. What you haven’t seen before is the writeRow() method. This essentially does the same thing as write(), but allows you to insert an array of data, from left to right, beginning at the specified row and column number. It makes a handy short cut to reduce lines of code.

One further thing I want to do is to make sure the column headings will always be visible as we scroll through the list of items. In Excel, this is possible by “freezing” a “pane” — selecting a block of cells that will “hover” while a user scrolls through the data, allowing them to see the column headings (in this case) that tell them what the data represents. The same is possible with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:

// The cell group to freeze  
// 1st Argument - vertical split position  
// 2st Argument - horizontal split position (0 = no horizontal split)  
// 3st Argument - topmost visible row below the vertical split  
// 4th Argument - leftmost visible column after the horizontal split  
$freeze = array(3,0,4,0);  
// Freeze those cells!  

Note that “freezing” was applied directly via the Worksheet object $cart, rather than via a formatting object, because it applied to a collection of cells. Formatting, on the other hand, is applied to individual cells.

Finally, I loop through the items in the cart, adding the data to the sheet:

// Pseudo data  
$items = array (  
 array( 'description'=>'Parrot'  ,'price'=>34.0,  'quantity'=>1),  
 array( 'description'=>'Snake'  ,'price'=>16.5,  'quantity'=>2),  
 array( 'description'=>'Mouse'  ,'price'=>1.25,  'quantity'=>10),  
// Use this to keep track of the current row number  
$currentRow = 4;  
// Loop through the data, adding it to the sheet  
foreach ( $items as $item ) {  
   // Write each item to the sheet  

There’s nothing particularly new here, except that you’ll find it becomes important to keep track of row and column numbers as you loop through data, because these are needed to insert the data into the correct place.

That’s basically it. If you’re new to OOP in PHP, this may, at first glance, be a little intimidating, but you’ll notice that all the methods are well named to the point where you can usually guess their purpose just by looking at them. The notion of fetching one object from another may be new, but when you think about it, it makes sense that you create a Worksheet object by calling the addWorksheetSheet() method of the Workbook object and that you add formatting objects to a cell at the point where you write() to the Worksheet.

Adding Excel Functions

Now, you’re able to make a spreadsheet that looks nice but, as any Excel Pro can tell you, simply displaying raw data isn’t very useful. Life gets really interesting when you start using Excel’s functions (and perhaps you own) to perform calculations on the raw data and turn it into something more interesting.

Now I’m not an Excel master (and this is not about to turn into an Excel tutorial) but it is clear that my shopping cart receipt needs to be cleverer, so I need to add some calculations based on the data I’ve already added. For each row, I want to display the “total item cost” — the raw data contains the unit price on the item and the number of items purchased:

"total item cost" = "unit price" * "number of items purchased"

In terms of Excel, to calculate the total for the item on the fifth row, the formula might be:

[Cell D5] =PRODUCT(B5:C5)

To accomplish this with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, I need to modify slightly the code that loops through the data:

// Use this to keep track of the current row number   
$currentRow = 4;  
// Loop through the data, adding it to the sheet  
foreach ( $items as $item ) {  
   // Write each item to the sheet  
 // Remember Excel starts counting rows from #1!  
 $excelRow = $currentRow + 1;  
 // Create a PHP string containing the formula  
 $formula = '=PRODUCT(B' . $excelRow . ':C' . $excelRow .')';  
 // Add the formula to the row  

Adding the formula itself is pretty easy — we simply use the writeFormula() method. But most important (and confusing) is what I mentioned earlier — Excel begins to count rows from 1, while PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer begins at 0 (zero), so, when creating functions, I need to remember this or I’ll be referring to the wrong cells. This is why I created the variable $excelRow, which is the $currentRow plus one. You may think this a design flaw on behalf of the authors, but remember: in PHP, like most programming languages, indexed arrays begin with a zero index. Trying to bump them forward by one just to play nice with Excel would likely have lead to many bugs and maintenance headaches. If it really annoys you, knock up some functions to translate between the two.

So, now my sheet displays the item totals on each row. But what about totaling the totals, so the customers can see the figure that will appear on their credit card bill? For this, it’s simply a matter of adding all the item totals together and displaying the result in another cell.

In Excel terms, I need to use the SUM() function to add item totals, which appear in column D:

[Grand Total Cell] =SUM(D5:D7)

To fit this into the spreadsheet, after the loop has finished, I add the following:

// The first row as Excel knows it - $currentRow was 4 at the start   
$startingExcelRow = 5;  
// The final row as Excel  
// (which is the same as the currentRow once the loop ends)  
$finalExcelRow = $currentRow;  
// Excel formal to sum all the item totals to get the grand total  
$gTFormula = '=SUM(D'.$startingExcelRow.':D'.$finalExcelRow.')';  
// Some more formatting for the grand total cells  
$gTFormat =& $xls->addFormat();  
$gTFormat->setTop(1); // Top border  
$gTFormat->setBottom(1); // Bottom border  
// Add some text plus formatting  
$cart->write($currentRow,2,'Grand Total:',$gTFormat);  
// Add the grand total formula along with the format  

Again it gets even more exciting, but keeping track of the Excel row numbers is mostly a case of remembering to add one to whichever variable has been tracking the PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer row numbers. Notice also that I can apply formatting to the output produced by the formula.

Finally, I finish of my shopping cart receipt by sending the spreadsheet straight to the browser:

// Send the Spreadsheet to the browser   

Filename: phpPetstore.php

That's it. The spreadsheet is ready to download. The finished code is available here.

Wrap Up

As you've seen, PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer offers pretty much everything you need to build a useful spreadsheet, including formatting and functions. And, because you're tapping into Excel's functionality as well, you've got a lot of power at your disposal.

The API is tidy and, once you get used to it, easy to work with. The classes are also well structured, so scaling what I've done here up to a workbook that contains numerous, interrelated sheets is relatively easily accomplished. Be aware, though, that as you've seen here, you can end up with some pretty lengthy scripts if you're not careful, particularly as formatting has to be defined in fine detail. If you have a need to do some serious work with PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer it's worth considering the opportunities for building in re-use early. You may find there's a particular cell format that keeps cropping up all over, and could be better placed in a class and re-used. If you're building a workbook containing many similar worksheets (e.g. Sales figures broken down with a worksheet for each region), writing classes to act as a template (design pattern hint) that generates the sheets may save a lot of effort.

Overall, PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer is great addition to your PHP toolbox you're your users are bugging you because they can't get the "view" they want on the data you deliver to them with HTML, Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer provides a handy alternative to implementing a never-ending list of new features. What's more, it creates a "wow" factor with which you can impress a potential client -- particularly if the client in question uses Excel as their daily bread and butter.

The subject of PHP and Excel becomes even more interesting when you consider Jedox's Worksheet Server, a tool for reading (here we were just writing) Excel spreadsheets, and generating PHP applications from them. But that's a story for another time...

Frequently Asked Questions about PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer

How do I install PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

To install PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer, you need to have PEAR and PECL installed on your system. Once you have these prerequisites, you can install the package using the following command in your terminal: pear install Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer. This command will download and install the package on your system. If you encounter any issues during the installation, make sure your PEAR and PECL are up to date.

How do I create a new Excel file using PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

Creating a new Excel file using PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer is straightforward. First, you need to include the package in your PHP script using require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';. Then, you can create a new instance of the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer class and use its methods to add data to the spreadsheet. Here is a simple example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();

$worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Hello, World!');


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with a single cell containing the text ‘Hello, World!’.

How can I format cells in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer provides a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format class that you can use to format cells in your spreadsheet. You can create a new instance of this class and use its methods to set various formatting options, such as font size, color, and alignment. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$format =& $workbook->addFormat();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
$worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Hello, World!', $format);


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with a single cell containing the text ‘Hello, World!’ in bold, red, centered text.

How can I add multiple worksheets to my Excel file?

You can add multiple worksheets to your Excel file by creating new instances of the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet class and adding them to your workbook. Each worksheet can have its own data and formatting. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet1 =& $workbook->addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
$worksheet1->write(0, 0, 'Hello, World!');

$worksheet2 =& $workbook->addWorksheet('Sheet 2');
$worksheet2->write(0, 0, 'Goodbye, World!');


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with two worksheets. The first worksheet, ‘Sheet 1’, contains a single cell with the text ‘Hello, World!’, and the second worksheet, ‘Sheet 2’, contains a single cell with the text ‘Goodbye, World!’.

How can I read data from an Excel file using PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer is primarily designed for writing data to Excel files, not reading data from them. If you need to read data from an Excel file in PHP, you might want to consider using a different library, such as PhpSpreadsheet. PhpSpreadsheet provides comprehensive functionality for reading and writing data to a variety of spreadsheet formats, including Excel.

How can I handle errors in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer uses PEAR’s error handling mechanism. If an error occurs while using the library, it will return a PEAR_Error object. You can check for errors using the PEAR::isError() function and get the error message using the getMessage() method of the PEAR_Error object. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();

$result = $worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Hello, World!');

if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
echo 'Error: ' . $result->getMessage();
} else {

This script will write ‘Hello, World!’ to a cell in a new Excel file. If an error occurs, it will print the error message to the screen.

How can I set the width of a column in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

You can set the width of a column in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer using the setColumn() method of the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet class. The setColumn() method takes three parameters: the first column, the last column, and the width. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 0, 20);

$worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Hello, World!');


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with a single cell containing the text ‘Hello, World!’. The width of the first column is set to 20.

How can I merge cells in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

You can merge cells in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer using the mergeCells() method of the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet class. The mergeCells() method takes four parameters: the first row, the first column, the last row, and the last column. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();

$worksheet->mergeCells(0, 0, 0, 1);

$worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Hello, World!');


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with a single cell spanning two columns containing the text ‘Hello, World!’.

How can I add a hyperlink to a cell in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

You can add a hyperlink to a cell in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer using the writeUrl() method of the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet class. The writeUrl() method takes three parameters: the row, the column, and the URL. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();

$worksheet->writeUrl(0, 0, '');


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with a single cell containing a hyperlink to ‘‘.

How can I add a formula to a cell in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer?

You can add a formula to a cell in PEAR Spreadsheet Excel Writer using the writeFormula() method of the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet class. The writeFormula() method takes three parameters: the row, the column, and the formula. Here is an example:

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();

$worksheet->write(0, 0, 5);
$worksheet->write(0, 1, 10);
$worksheet->writeFormula(0, 2, '=A1+B1');


This script will create a new Excel file named ‘test.xls’ with three cells. The first two cells contain the numbers 5 and 10, respectively, and the third cell contains a formula that adds these two numbers together.

Harry Fuecks is the Engineering Project Lead at Tamedia and formerly the Head of Engineering at Squirro. He is a data-driven facilitator, leader, coach and specializes in line management, hiring software engineers, analytics, mobile, and marketing. Harry also enjoys writing and you can read his articles on SitePoint and Medium.

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