Nice book to read for beginners, good example and stuff to know and learn about are all in this book
This book is a hands-on guide that will help you build your first database driven website. In the fifth edition of this best-selling book, you’ll learn how to use PHP (used on 20 million sites worldwide) to build your own working content management system using entirely free software.
Nice book to read for beginners, good example and stuff to know and learn about are all in this book
Keving Yank manages well to combine serious concepts with casual examples so as to develop a complete CMS of a jokes database driven website from scratch maximizing the security. New concepts are introduced as the steps become more and more difficult and the explanation of the corresponding new code lines (in bold) is clear and precise.
This book is helping me understand this stuff without jargon, while not talking down to me. Very encouraging.
Great book! Excellent for beginners and contains some goodies for those who already have some experience in PHP. Thank you so much! :)
Muy bueno para alguien que esta comenzando a programar en PHP.
That one can teach profoundly better if the stuff that one has to learn is transmitted as a narrative with a well thought out “plot” is probably known to many writers of text books but the implementation of this idea in a otherwise boring technical subject is a rarity, especially in programming that has no historical precedents from past centuries. It implies both a firm grasp of the subject matter and a concise awareness of the ultimate purpose of the work fully integrated within a specific methodology. But now add some species so that you are almost totally unaware of the basic grand plan. This is how I felt about this book and about Kevin's genuine desire to teach that what he knows in possibly the most fruitful way for the reader. It displays an amazing awareness and empathy for the reader. Indeed a glorious teacher with a highly original methodology and add to that a laudable aim _ to make any willing and diligent student master a specific subject. This is one of those classic works that demand periodic re-editions to keep up with the newer developments and I hope that in future as PHP will eventually change, it will incorporate those developments and get republished. In my opinion it would be worth any effort.
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