Drupal: How to Create Your Own Drush Command
Key Takeaways
- Drush is a command line tool for Drupal that can be extended with custom commands defined in modules to perform specific operations.
- Creating a Drush command involves creating a .drush.inc file in your module’s folder, implementing the hook_drush_command() function to define the command, and creating a callback function to perform the operation.
- Drush commands can accept arguments and options, with arguments being mandatory and options being optional. These can be used to customize the functionality of the command.
- Drush commands can also interactively request user input, provide example usages, and specify requirements such as Drupal bootstrap level, module dependencies, and core version compatibility.
Our module
module functionality we want to expose to Drush will be super simple. It’s a function that sets the Hello world!
function demo_drush_print_statement() {
drupal_set_message(t('Hello world!'));
It’s not much but it will help us understand how to use Drush to print this statement to the terminal screen, and in doing so, how to configure the command to perform all sorts of powerful operations. We’ll be adjusting it in the course of this tutorial to demonstrate various possibilities.
The Drush command file
The first thing we need to do is add a new file to our module’s folder with the name ending in.drush.inc
. Drush will scan the codebase and pick it up based on this name to load the functions we declare inside.
It is also best practice to name this file after the module you place it in. For our case, this would be demo_drush.drush.inc
(my module’s name is demo_drush
). And for now, just open php tags (<?php
) at the top and save the file.
Command hook and callback
There are 2 main components in the Drush command architecture: the hook implementation where we define the commands and their configurations, and the callback functions that get triggered by the command. There are of course other functions that get called in the process (such as validation or pre/post callbacks), but we will not cover them in this tutorial. First, let’s implement hook_drush_command() and define a simple command calleddrush-demo-command
with an alias of ddc
* Implements hook_drush_command().
function drush_demo_drush_command() {
$items['drush-demo-command'] = array(
'description' => 'Demonstrate how Drush commands work.',
'aliases' => array('ddc'),
return $items;
With this hook implementation (henceforth referred to as the hook
) we return a new key in the array that will be the full command name. Inside this array, we configure it. For now, we specified a simple description and an alias for the command. So if we run drush help ddc
, we get printed to our terminal the description and the alias of the command.
The second part of the Drush command architecture is the callback function. As it is now, Drush expects a function to be declared called drush_drush_demo_command()
. This default naming structure starts with drush
followed by the name of the command all connected with underscores. So let’s quickly declare it and use it to call the demo_drush_print_statement()
function we wrote earlier:
* Callback for the drush-demo-command command
function drush_drush_demo_command() {
Now if you clear the drush cache (drush cc drush
), you can run the drush ddc
command and you should see Hello world!
printed to the screen. Congratulations, your most basic Drush command works.
Although for the rest of the tutorial we will continue with this default naming convention, you are not necessarily restricted to it. If you want to give the callback function another name, you can add a new key to the hook
specifying the name:
'callback' => 'drush_demo_test'
Now you can declare a function called drush_demo_test()
and this is the one to get called automatically by this command. For now though, we will stick with our drush_drush_demo_command()
Arguments and options
One of the basic things you can do with Drush commands is pass them arguments and options. The key difference between the two is that the former are mandatory whereas the latter are not. Another distinction is in the way the values are passed to the callback function. Arguments are passed as function parameters (in order) while options are retrieved in the callback using a special helper function (drush_get_option). So inside the hook for our command, let’s add both the arguments and options information:...
'arguments' => array(
'type' => 'The type of statement (error or success).',
'options' => array(
'repeat' => 'The number of statement repeats.',
We declared 1 argument (called type
) and one option called repeat
. The values should explain their purpose but how they are used is maybe not so obvious. The argument type
will be the first string that gets written after the command name in the terminal (drush drush-demo-command
or drush ddc
). The option will be an integer value that gets assigned to the --repeat
flag in the command.
drush ddc error --repeat=10
This command should make the printed statement an error and have it print 10 times to the terminal screen. Now let’s adjust our code to make this happen.
First, let’s modify the demo_drush_print_statement()
function demo_drush_print_statement($type = NULL) {
drupal_set_message(t('Hello world!'), $type);
Now the type of statement printed is dynamic. Second, let’s modify the command callback function and change it to this:
function drush_drush_demo_command($type = FALSE) {
// Check for correct argument
$correct_args = array('error', 'success');
if (!in_array($type, $correct_args)) {
return drush_set_error(dt('"@type" is not a valid statement type. Please choose between "success" and "error".', array('@type' => $type)));
// Option
$repeat = drush_get_option('repeat', 1);
if ($repeat > 1 && is_numeric($repeat)) {
for ($i=0; $i < $repeat; $i++) {
else {
First, we check whether the argument passed ($type
) is one of the 2 accepted types. If not, we return a Drush error. If it is accepted, we continue and check if the repeat
option has been passed and if it contains a numeric value higher than 1. If it doesn’t, we call our demo_drush_print_statement()
once, but if it does, we do so as many times as the repeat
value. In any case, we also pass the $type
argument to the function as a parameter.
Now you can go ahead and run the command from the terminal and test out how the argument and option work.
User input
One thing you’ll notice when running this command is that if we pass something else than the two accepted argument values, it returns the good error. But what if we don’t pass anything at all? It returns a generic Drush error that complains about the missing argument. Let’s make it so that if a user doesn’t pass an argument, we ask them what argument they’d like to pass and use the value they provide interactively. There is a handy Drush function for this, but the whole implementation could look like this:// Check for existence of argument
if (!$type) {
$options = array(
'success' => dt('Success'),
'error' => dt('Error'),
$type = drush_choice($options, dt('What kind of message you\'d like to print?'));
This goes to the top of the command callback function before checking whether the correct argument was passed. But what are we doing here?
First, everything happens only if the user has not passed an argument. Second, we create an array of key-value pairs that will represent the choices we give the user. The array keys represent the machine name of the choice while the values, the human readable name. Third, we pass this array along side a question string to the drush_choice()
function that will return the machine name of the choice the user makes. And that becomes our new $type
variable (the argument).
So now we can try it out. Run the command with no argument and you will be asked to type in a number that corresponds to one of the two available choices. Upon doing that, you should see the statement printed accordingly.
As I mentioned before, running the Drush help command for our own command (drush help ddc
) will list some useful information about this command (arguments, options, description, aliases, etc). Let’s go back to our hook and add some more information to our command:
'examples' => array(
'drush ddc error' => 'Prints the statement once with the error flag.',
'drush ddc success --repeat=10' => 'Prints the statement 10 times with the success flag.',
We have the keys that represent the example command usage, and the value which describes what will happen if the command was run. Now if we run drush help ddc
, we can see these helpful examples of how this command can be used.
Here is a good place to end this tutorial since we covered a lot of the basic but important aspects of defining our own Drush command. We used a simple example but one that allowed us to illustrate many features of this process: how to define the command information and how to make use of some of that inside of a callback. We looked at arguments, options and even saw how we can get user input from the terminal. There are of course many more aspects that we could not cover here. They are for more advanced usages but very important and must keep in mind that they exist. For example, you can specify what Drupal bootstrap level Drush needs to have in order to run. You can also specify a module dependency for the command or even what version of core it needs to run. So do check up on these things as well on the Drush API site and in the docs for more information.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Creating Drush Commands in Drupal
What is Drush and why is it important in Drupal development?
Drush, short for Drupal Shell, is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal. It provides a powerful and efficient way to manage Drupal sites. Drush allows developers to perform administrative tasks like running updates, clearing cache, and creating users without needing to use the Drupal admin interface. This can significantly speed up development and maintenance processes, especially for large or complex sites.
How do I install Drush on my Drupal site?
Drush can be installed using Composer, a dependency management tool for PHP. First, ensure that Composer is installed on your system. Then, navigate to your Drupal project directory in the command line and run the command composer require drush/drush
. This will install Drush into your project.
How do I create a custom Drush command?
To create a custom Drush command, you need to create a custom module in Drupal. Within this module, you will create a DrushCommands class that defines your custom command. This class should include a method for each command you want to create, and these methods should be annotated with @command to indicate that they are Drush commands.
Can I use Drush commands to interact with my Drupal database?
Yes, Drush provides several commands for interacting with your Drupal database. For example, the drush sql-query
command allows you to execute SQL queries directly from the command line. This can be very useful for tasks like exporting and importing database dumps.
How can I debug my Drush commands?
Drush includes a built-in debugging feature. You can enable it by using the -d
or --debug
option when running your Drush command. This will display detailed debugging information, helping you to identify and fix any issues with your command.
Can I use Drush with different versions of Drupal?
Yes, Drush is compatible with both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. However, different versions of Drush are required for each. Drush 8 works with Drupal 7 and 8, while Drush 9 and 10 are designed for Drupal 8 and 9.
How can I automate tasks with Drush?
Drush commands can be combined into scripts to automate repetitive tasks. For example, you could create a script that clears the cache, runs updates, and then clears the cache again. This script could be run manually, or it could be set up to run automatically at regular intervals using a tool like cron.
Can I extend existing Drush commands?
Yes, you can extend existing Drush commands by creating a custom DrushCommands class that extends the class of the command you want to extend. You can then override the methods of the parent class to modify their behavior.
How do I uninstall Drush from my Drupal site?
To uninstall Drush, you can use Composer. Navigate to your Drupal project directory in the command line and run the command composer remove drush/drush
. This will remove Drush from your project.
Where can I find more information about Drush commands?
The official Drush website (drush.org) and the Drush project page on Drupal.org are great resources for learning more about Drush commands. They provide comprehensive documentation, including a full list of commands and detailed explanations of how to use them.
Daniel Sipos is a Drupal developer who lives in Brussels, Belgium. He works professionally with Drupal but likes to use other PHP frameworks and technologies as well. He runs webomelette.com, a Drupal blog where he writes articles and tutorials about Drupal development, theming and site building.
Published in
·Databases·Debugging & Deployment·Development Environment·Extensions·PHP·Programming·June 12, 2014