10 Cool jQuery WordPress Plugins and Tutorials

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WordPress has an extensive userbase that creates plugins the reason why it has been the standard platform across blogging community. However, by default, its features are a bit plain and static so we thought we would come up with some cool jQuery WordPress plugins and tutorials that take the best features of jQuery and combine it with WordPress.

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Update 19/05/2013: Found a good WordPress Media Gallery plugin.

1. Snazzy Archives

A visualization plugin for your WordPress site featuring an unique way to display all your posts. Your archive page will never be boring again!
Snazzy Archives
Source + Demo

2. uAudio jQuery Music Player

The new µAudio plugin is the evolution of Dynamic Audio. Slimmed down (only 495 Byte basic installation), with new configuration screens and a smaller, leaner player.
uAudio jQuery Music Player
Source + Demo

3. Integrating Fading Button Navigation

The goal of the button was to provide three states: regular, hover, and active (pressed). That is standard of any good button, but we were going to integrate some fading effects into it to really making the button satisfying to interact with.

4. Build a Basic Newspaper Layout for WordPress with jQuery

In this tutorial we use the power of jQuery to create a grid layout with size-degrading headers!
Basic Newspaper Layout

5. Display a Random Post with jQuery Refresh

We are going to leverage some serious smartness from both WordPress and from the JavaScript library jQuery.
Random Post with jQuery
Source + Demo

6. How to Create a Better WordPress Options Panel

The entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme, using the excellent WooFramework as an example.
Better WordPress Options Panel
Source + Demo

7. Mint jQuery WordPress Plugin

Allows you to painlessly integrate Shaun Inman’s Mint into WordPress. Unlike the currently existent solution, µMint does not make use of iframes.
Mint jQuery WordPress
Source + Demo

8. Use jQuery to Liven Up Your WordPress Login

I’m going to show a really quick method of simplifying the clients login process using a jQuery lightbox.
jQuery to Liven Up Your WordPress Login

9. WordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a Plugin

Learn how to use a custom page template to create a contact form in WordPress without a plugin.
WordPress & jQuery Contact Form

10. Implement a Nice and Clean Sliding Panel with jQuery

Learn how to implement a nice and clean sliding panel with jQuery in this tutorial.
Nice and Clean Sliding Panel
Source + Demo

Sam DeeringSam Deering
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Sam Deering has 15+ years of programming and website development experience. He was a website consultant at Console, ABC News, Flight Centre, Sapient Nitro, and the QLD Government and runs a tech blog with over 1 million views per month. Currently, Sam is the Founder of Crypto News, Australia.

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