Nicholas Cravotta

Nicholas Cravotta has been technical editor for EDN, Embedded Systems Programming, and Communications Systems Design, and was the founding editor-in-chief of Multimedia Systems Design. With seventeen years of experience as a practicing engineer, he understands the issues behind designing complex systems firsthand. He has worked with hard real-time embedded systems, written application software for PCs and workstations, built an operating system from the ground up, developed in-house software and hardware development and test tools, and ported software across platforms, among other projects. He has spent the fifteen years working as a marketing consultant for leaders in a variety of technology industries. He has written over 1000 published articles, taught programming and technical writing at UC Berkeley, and is an award-winning game designer with over 70 products to market.
Nicholas's articles

In this fourth article in our Accelerating the Cloud series, we explore what to expect when going cloud native.

In this third article in our Accelerating the Cloud series, we explore a checklist of items to consider before redeploying applications.

Learn about how developers can redeploy existing applications to a cloud native compute platform and accelerate operations.

Learn how developers can accelerate their applications in the cloud and reduce long-term operating costs with a cloud native platform.